Watch this. If you are not impressed, take a nap cause you are sick. Get a asprin or something.
Watch this. If you are not impressed, take a nap cause you are sick. Get a asprin or something.
So I finally beat this game and I am going to give you a little opinion. OK the games looks great but it is a little dull when it comes to the detail of the environments. The enemies are not difficult but they look good, not a huge variety though. The weapon are pretty cool you just cant hold a lot of ammo. There are too many health packs on the game to make it more challenging, and too much ammo spread around with ammo you may not use that much. The game does not get challenging at all til the end maybe the last 6 chapters. The ending is great, in my opinion. The controls are good, except for the zoom. You tap a button to zoom and tap again to exit it. It becaomes a pain because it does not respond well and gets annoying. It would have been perfect if you could just hold the button down. The game is a good game with plenty of room to improve. Gamespot gave is a nice rating but compared to the other ratings of theirs I think they gave it bonus points because it was a release game.
I am doing this tile job for this lady and I started it today. It is a old bathroom so it is all plaster and everything. So while popping off these tiles others started to chip. This was and still is a pain in the you know what. In all I will get it done in about 5 hours and make $250. Not bad but it should have only been a 2 hour job. Oh well thats how it goes.
This is a ill album. If anyone out there knows the best no sell out rapper, Kool Keith, this is one for you to get. It is Keith and Motion Man. Motion man caught my attention when I heard him on the Dopestyle 1231 album. I am a all out Dopestyle 1231 fanatic. The track that had Motion man is one of the best tracks. That album also features Del, Kool Keith and some others. Well I just relistened to the Dr. Doom album. I love that album. It is Kool Keith on top of his game. I did not like the album in the past because as far as Keith goes I was eating up the Cenibytes if I spelled that right Cenubites , something like that. OK that is the best Keith Album unless you are a Keith nut and think the first album is the best because people may not have caught on to him. It has some of the illest rappers on it. If you are like that then there is a track on the Masters of Illusion album for you. Also check out the Edan album Primitive Plus album. There is a killer Ultra Magnetic dedication. Well Keith has never been a sellout like every rapper out there. Take my favorite Group ever Public Enemy, sell out. They were only supposed to make 2 albums, then they sold out. If you dont think so, that what you get for trying to think. Keith has been making independent labels for a while now and now has been working with Kut Master Kurt. Threshold records is the greatest label since Fondle em, they did the Cenubites album and the KMD tracks that nearly went unreleased. Anyway there are a few others out there for the Keith lovers that are great. I think he is putting out some of his better stuff lately. One album that only had 2 tracks I like was the Analog Brothers. Ice-T Keith and 2 others I could care less about. More Freaks and War. Good stuff.
this game has taken me a while to get but I tell you what it is real fun. So far though I have been playing on the hardest level you can start with. It is not hard. The AI os just OK. The grafics are nice but they stay the same washed out colors, BUT I am only half way through the game. I know I sound kinda negative but it is a real good game. I was hoping it would be a little more scary but thats OK if it is fun enough to WANT to play. I have enjoyed the PS3 so far and I wanted to get it for the Insomniac titles. I have to tell you though put your money in the right spot. THE 360!!!!
This is the worst movie I have seen in a while. I just started to watch it last night and was not impressed at all. I actually turned it off because I was about to cry it was so bad. I am going to tell you why and what happened. So as far as I got in this movie there is some preganant woman walking by a man eating a carrot. A man crashes his car as he is trying to chase her. She is walking and he is driving and he is catching up. So this guy pulls out a gun as he is standing in front of the alley he is about to go into, I guess just to make sure the man with the carrot sees how tough he is. So the carrot man decides to go and help the girl. So the dude with the gun is about to shoot her and she pulls out a gun shoots and misses. He is going to kill her but the carrot man throws a carrot in his mouth then goes up to him and punches him in the carrot and it goes out the back of the head and kills him. The carrot guy grabs her gun and the clips and loads it because a swarm of bad guys are comming to kill her, they are actually after the baby. So as he fights off all the bad guys he sees he needs to get to the other side of the room. He shoots a oil tank and runs and slides into it and slides all the way to the other side. Now the girl is going into labor and he delivers it while fighting of the bad guys. Then to cut the cord he shoots it. He carries the girl up the stairs to get away but she gets shot with her t*t hanging out. The carrot man starts to jump from one building to the next through windows, with the baby. He gets away. He decides to get a hooker to take care of the baby but she says NO. So he puts his sock on the baby's head as a hat and leave it on a big spin in the park. You know the big round platforms that you spin on and hold on to the bars. A lady notices the baby there and goes to get it but she is shot. The baby is next, to get SNIPED like the woman. The carrot guy has to run back to get the baby and to make it hard to snipe the baby he shoots the bars on the big spin so it would start to spin.
Then I turned it off to throw up on the dvd.
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