flavort Blog
K-reepy stop motion claymation BANNED
by flavort on Comments
The Adventures of Mark Twain. If you have not seen this you should. I just gives off this creepy vibe. It looks like some childrens story but it would give them nightmares for sure. Again I will not tell you what the deal is with this movie but you can see clips on youtube. Here is a link but I would just watch it this is a huge spoiler.
just watched a weird movie
by flavort on Comments
Beat the game, but now it really starts
by flavort on Comments
Ratchet under rated
by flavort on Comments
I just got the 60gb ps3 for Christmas, it was the last one in town. So anyway I am pumped about that. The thing about it is that I am a huge fan of the Insomniac games. So now I have the capability to play the ps2 games with no worries. So anyway the first game I got was Ratchet. I did get Restiance when it went down in price. Well it is without a doubt it is a Ratchet game. So they really gave it a bad rating. It may not be anything ground breaking, but it is still a great game and is greater than the rating shows. By the way when they tell you it looks like a Pixar movie dont belive the hype.
S.W.A.T stand off in my backyard
by flavort on Comments
This is wild as hell. So on my way home I was going to my street and there were all of these police blocking off the roads. So I got home and my friend dropped me off who's brother in law lives behind me. So I call him up a little while later to see where we are going to go eat. He starts to tell me there is a stand off at the house next to him which is behind me. Nobody on that street was allowed to leave the house. The kid I guess was wanted for some reason and had a warrant for his arrest. He decided to barracade himself inside his house with a gun. So I went to pick up my friend to go eat and a huge truck was charging down the street. and went to the side street when I got there, there was the S.W.A.T team running down the street onto the alley. So through out the night my friends were calling me to turn on the tv to check out what was going on. The news was saying that the kid was a mental case with a gun who was a threat to others and himself. The friend I was with was talkingto his brother in law and was saying that theS.W.A.T was in the backyard, guns pointed at his house also. They were on the loud speaker trying to get him out. It was not going to happen. Anyway the outcome was they rushed the house and pulled him out.
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