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My lib pretend friend to animals room mate

Well my room mate is a socialist from the depths oh hell. He is a real nice guy and everything but he is so full of it. Check this out. I went to Canada to get married and was gone for two and a half weeks. He was supposed to watch the dogs and cats, there are 2 of each. Well I had friends that went by the house to hang out with him and they gave me some horrible info. First he did not change the litter box til the day before I came home. There was puke on the floor that had been there for a while. Last time there was pee on the floor. The dogs had no water and the back yard was full of holes dug up by the dogs. I was thinking what a joke this kid is. He is a PETA activist vegan and freaks out if you spank a dog. He told me he would feed a snake tofu instead of mice. His cat has not been to the vet as long as I have known him and his cat  constantly has dread locks. I also feed his cat everyday and clean the litter box. He never does. He is suck a little boy. Well now that I am married he is going to have to move by dec 1st. I wont have to babysit him anymore. I don't want to get into all the other things he does not do because it would take up too much space. I just thought all you would like to get a glimpse of some liberal BS I have to deal with from a pretend friend to animals.

BioShock!!! and F.E.A.R?

I have a feeling this will be one of my favorite games of all time. I hope I am not building it up to be something it's not also. The thing that attracts me to it is the graphics and the fact that it is creepy. I was also hoping that fear was going to be the same way. Well I have been playing FEAR since it came out yesterday and I like it but I am a little disappointed. I have heard nothing but how this game is revolutionary for FPS games. I don't see it. It is very typical. I have only played a little bit of the game so far so I hope you don't think I am giving you any great info. I just started playing it and thought it was going to be creepy and scary. I am still waiting. So far it goes like this you are fighting the same guys over and over and they will kick your @$$. I have been using the slow-mo to hit them accurately and then backing out to recharge it again and repeat the process. Big deal. I have also been able to let them come to me so I can blast them. The problem is that it takes a lot of the fun out of it. I have been getting a little more aggressive with it and it seems to be picking up a little. I hope it continues because as of right now I give it a 8.3 which for me is ok but not bad @$$. I hope it gets creepier and from what I understand it does a little but who knows? I have been playing DOOM 3 to get the scare factor. So far the puzzles in FEAR are a waste of time. You may have to push a button to move a box to get to the path you need to take. The reviewers have been give it props like if is eerie like Condemned. NO WAY. It is the same but not effective at all so far. Condemned put you on edge hardcore, FEAR tries. I am playing the game and am not satisfied 100% with my decision but that can change. Like I said I am at the beginning and have not been too impressed but satisfied enough for now.

Kill babies to save lives!

I know I just blast libs all the time and so maybe I will blast the republicans a tad here. First I need to vent on how unreal these libs are. This junk with Michael J Fox is so twisted. Now in the media it is a bash Rush fest. I could care less what Rush says about Fox, what I care about is what Fox is pushing. The problem is that Fox is pushing a stem cell issue that he is not informed about. The issues he is promoting are liberal in general because it is for embryonic research paid for by you and I. If this passes it will have the government, which means you and I, paying for research that relies on abortions. So they want to fund the need for abortion. Now they will say conservatives don't want to find a cure. That is bs! I would like them to give me an example of the positive results from research due embryonic stem cell research. Then the negative outcomes. They would tell you it is causing more problems all the time and NO solutions, if they don't lie to you. The fact that they do not want to tell you is that private businesses can research embryonic stem cells, there are no results that do any good, and they want you to pay for more of it. Stem cell are producing results. President Bush is the first president to give federal funds to research stem cells. He does not want to use babies as guinea pigs. I don't either. So the libs either don't know what they are talking about or they are trying to find a way to make abortion a necessity for survival. How crazy is that, killing babies to save lives? So now you have the conservatives being labeled as those that do not want cures to serious diseases. Well conservatives do vote for stem cell research while their opponents vote no, ask Cardin what I am talking about. They will vote no on stem cell research but yes on embryonic research. What type of cure is that going to produce. I will tell you, kill babies for a cure. Now Fox is pushing this research to kill babies for a cure but at the same time he admitted he had not investigated the amendments relating to this. Like it makes clonong a Constitutional Amendment. Then the media blasts Rush for saying he did not take his medicine, while twisting it to claim Rush said he was faking. Well two things are wrong, Rush did not say he was faking. The second was that Rush was wrong about guessing he did not take his medicine, he actually took too much. Fox also admitted that he misuses his medication to get certain results when he speaks to a crowd or do a ad. So to bash Republicans, you are sissies for not standing up to the misleading comments. Thank you Michael Steele, you are the best.

F.E.A.R starts tomorrow!

First on my pre-ordered list of four games is F.E.A.R is coming out tomorrow. Now what am I going to do when a bunch of goofy kids come to the door? Maybe if I scream like I am dying they will run away. I have started to play DOOM 3 again just to get pumped up for the new shooter. I still get all sketched out when I play DOOM. That and Condemned. Both are very scary if you are alone and in the dark with a loud stereo, surround. So I am so amped to get started on this game. I hope the store gets them in.

November is going to be a phatty!!!!!!

This November is going to be HUGE! I have already pre bought Gears of War, FEAR, Lost Planet, and Call of Duty 3. Then you have the Wii and the PS3 coming out also. Man is anybody freaking pumped like I am? Lost Planet isn't coming out til January but hey, I got enough to play til then. I definitely have a lot going on right now and will til next year, Jan 07 at least, so I will have to make some time for games. I think the hard part will be stopping once I start. I am more than likely going to get the Wii but I haven't decided yet. The PS3 would be cool but not for $600, All I want is the Insomniac Game and Killzone. Anyone else tweaking out?

new skate videos

My brother in-law let me borrow the Baker 2G video and the Mike Valley documentary. They were both killer. The Baker video was great but the Baker 3 video is so much better. So anyway I freaked out and bought the Toy Machine video and the new Blind video. I actually wanted the Almost 3 and the Black Label vids. So I came back and watched them and decided to go and get the other ones but the store was closed. Bummer right, so instead I ordered them from amazon.  I also got a new Mark Gonz deck that is like the old school vision deck. I am totally pumped to get crack-in on that. I cant wait to skate but I am still in Canada having a great time. I will be leaving for Whistler for a few days complements of my J's mom and dad.

Friday October the 13th

The big day is tomorrow! Thank to all of you for the good wishes. It means a lot. Right now we are packing some things and getting ready to pick up my parents from the airport. We have been pretty busy getting things done, but are having a good time. Vancouver is sweet. It is very nice up here. If you ever get a chance you need to check it out.

Getting Married!!!!

I am leaving today to go to Vancouver BC to get married. I am very excited. I will not actually be married til Friday October the 13th. What a cool day to get married. I will get to stay 2 and 1/2 weeks and then I will be back. The bummed out part is I will not see my wife for a month and a half. She still has a little left to do before she moves here. I hope some of you guys can pray for us. I know we could use it.

WAKE UP Microsoft

I have been waiting for the next backwards compatible list and I am beginning to think they have quit. The last one was pretty good and I figured they got their act together. Looks like that was just a nice way to say be quiet to the gamers that are waiting more from their system they paid big bucks for.

election speech

The broad outlook of my views is that the government role in our country is to protect us, not to raise us. I feel that the more freedom we have as a country the better off it will be. I believe in low taxes for the sake of freedom, I don't trust the government to put my money to work as well as I. I earned the money, I put it where I want it, in my pocket. The government has unfairly taken our money and put it into social programs to help the less "fortunate" still there is no progress on their behalf. The problem they say is more taxes and money so we can get full effectiveness. I say I don't trust the government, I want the money I pay to the government to pay for the protection of society and the country. If my money is going to help others that need it, I want it to go to the charity of my choice (freedom). I can then see where my money goes and see how effective it is through the competition between charities, not having to rely on the word of the inefficient, with no results, and have child like politicians bicker over who's plan is more effective. Unlike ignorant libs, I don't want socialized schooling. I want the freedom to choose which school I want my kids in. If my child is not getting the education he/she needs I want to be able to send them to the one that will. If a percentage of my taxes is paying for the inefficiency of that school and I decide to change schools, and if it is not government run, I expect that money to go to the school of my choice. The problem with anything government run is taxes we pay go to those government run institutions. That gives them power over us to create what they want. Leaving out the freedom of choice through competition leaves us to settle for less and become dependant on them, making us slaves. The only thing I want from the government is the protection of my country, and society. Socially I am all for freedom and value. The human life is most important piece in our society. The creation and life of all people needs to be top priority in that society, therefore it needs structure. Life is created naturally by a man and a woman and for the creation of society with structure that man and that woman are responsible for that life until he/she becomes an adult. That family structure is the most important to stability of our society and should be protected by law. I believe that the society has the freedom not to follow that structure and that everyone in that society deserves choice. The natural family structure is a model for a stable society not a standard of living. I feel that you have the freedom to choose how to live your life and you are responsible for it. If your choices violate another's life then you loose that freedom as decided by the adherence to the law, not interpretation. So basically you are responsible for yourself. The government only owes you protection of your life and your personal belongings. The government also only needs to protect the natural family structure, because it is the core of creation of life, family, and the stability of society. The reason I feel this way is because the society needs structure and I say it is not a standard, it is protected and a goal toward that stability, not a law. Religion is protected completely. None more or less than the other, and religion in the government  is lawful, but a government religion is not. God will never be illegal no matter what God. Death of any type is a destruction of our society and has no protection unless under law it is a protection of society and our country.