Jeez, it really is hard to tell if some religious people are actually that insane or if they are pretending as to make that religion look poor.
Is the idea of no human consiousness after death really so scary that you have to grasp at these rediculous ideas? When you die all of your components that made you are still there, you still exist, and always will in some form. Isn't that enough?
No, you run scared in the dark to any porchlight/religion that looks like it may save you from the natural night. Most people are content with having no consiousness before they were born, why should it be any different after you die?
I do have an actual question though for the religious. If there is a benevolant god being in existance that has a purpose for each human, one of which is to acknowledge that god's existance, how do you account for humans in extreme isolation that have no idea of any godlike being? Are they just duds, damned by badluck? Do they get a do-over when they die? I've always wondered this.
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