I'd like to see another Other M style, but tweaked. It would be really interesting to be able to move in 3rd and 1st person, but I feel like there would be some kind of compromise in one of the perspectives. And if they could just get the nunchuck involved... I think that would feel so much more natural. What if they made it so that a pointer was constantly on the screen in 3rd and that's how you aimed? And we all know how the pointer would work in 1st person. And just press a button to move from 3rd to 1st. And, last but not least, better level design please! Get Retro back for graphics and level design
Something about him seems very programmed and insincere. I feel like he's completely different when there's not a camera on him. Doesn't sit well with me.
I think it would be awesome for action games that already try to portray a realistic look. But for more stylized games, I think they will just get even better because the artists will have more resources.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll probably get Kirby's Epic Yarn. It's also a shame to see a fantastic game like Metroid: Other M suffer such a drastic price cut meant only for games with bad sales, well I guess more people can enjoy it now.
I know! It's too bad about Other M. I hope the next Metroid is a hit so they continue with the series....
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