torn rotator cuff?
fluffy_kins' forum posts
I hate how W.S. Anderson called himself the resident evil series' number one fan... when clearly he has no other intent but to butcher it! His films suck and they should never make another Resident Evil movie again.
The one where I live always have a ton of annoying pre teens clogging it up, and the employees always seem rushed and a little rude tbh. I very rarely go to gamestop anymore
I still can't get excited over this game, but I'm taking that as a good thing... I haven't been watching every single video that comes out, so hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. But I'm also feeling bummed about the Zelda series after the last two installments. But those were DS games and I've never really liked handheld games in general so... maybe SS will refresh my interest in Zelda.
Lol, why is it BS? The worst thing I ever did at that job was accidentally drop a case of something, and a guy who worked there much longer than me did the exact same thing later that week. No one was even mad at me for doing it. No it wasn't a union job, it's a family owned local store. I don't believe I said that because I got along well with my coworkers that it meant that I was doing my job well. I really did do my job the way I was supposed to, so I don't think I got fired because the boss didn't like me. And if I was such a sucky employee, don't you think I would have been talked to about it? Like given a chance to improve? But, I was within my 6 months of starting, and I was the newest person at the place so.... I guess there doesn't need to be a reason given. All I was told is that it "wasn't working out"..... guess I was just an awful employee... somehow
Jennifer Hale would definitely be a better choice to voice the next Samus, but all we really need is a good script and a world built by Retro Studios.
Couldn't agree more
I didn't think Other M felt much like a Metroid game at all... no desolation, the atmosphere was all wrong (I hated the generic environments and when you could see the metal parts of the ship... ugh), too linear. Metroid Prime really did nail the Metroid feeling. 2 and 3... eh, not as much, but they were still great.
I was recently fired from a job for seemingly no reason... I got along with my co workers, was never late, pretty good at my job (hey no one is perfect, but I never got a "talking to" from the boss saying I needed to improve or else), and one day I come in and the boss hands me a check, says it's not working out, and that was that. I was so shocked I just walked out without questioning him. So, for discussion...
has anything like this happened to any of you?
and, was that even legal for my boss to do?
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