@Rahguzar @DONTMAKEFUNGAME If someone said you will get £100 if you were to review the new Prometheus film, you would at least watch it! EPIC FAIL by Tom im afraid
@Rodrigo_AA Tom admitted he hadnt even played the original! you wouldn't review the latest Batman series based on a trailer for Dark Knight Rises and then judge the other two
If ARMA and flashpoint were that briliant we would all be playing them and MOH wouldn't have even made it to E3...last time i checked it was COD and MOH on the show floor. At the end of the day, one group of people control the games industry...GAMERS! if the majority of us wanted ARMA 24/7 we would get it..but the dominance of MOH..COD and BF suggests otherwise...Developers should not be punished and slanted for trying to make a game more authentic...Health packs are wank and in no way realistic so lay off the regeneration Tom!
At the end of the day a game has more chance of success if its fun! Therefore in today economic climate making a game that is not fun to play is like making a new ferrari that does look the part, answer career suicide. Moh was at the same show as black ops 2 and yet because Moh is trying to be authentic Mcshea has pounced on them. If he wants a decent article and to get to the heart of this matter he needs to interview Mark Lamia and IW. If cod wasnt such a money machine other games would get a better market share and get aford to try something new. All those MOH haters out there need to ask why they are making this game like it is....because they are a buisness designed to make money and the only way of doing that in the FPS genre is to follow the COD recipe...you wouldnt expect a bar/pub to stop selling beer would you?
I have never really posted here on gamespot before but this interview p*is*s*d me off! If he was having this argument with Treyarch of IW i wouldn't have posted once! but for guys trying to make an authentic game up against the GIANT money machine that is COD then they are going to have to make compromises. Ultimately, if the Armed forces community are not offended by War games then us Civvies have no place to judge the "realism of war"
forrest23's comments