@Nibroc420 #missedthepoint......THIS GAME WILL SELL if it doesn't Danger Close will be joining the unemployment line...How do they make the game sell? give people what they want....as a small meerkat would say *simples*Just because a few people don't play it doesn't mean a thing.
@Otacon6669 @spoofin14 But the guys who helped with the game AREN'T offended....you and I haven't served but i know guys who have and they ENJOY games like this...
@hitman047m4 @LordSho I think he has stated the point perfectly! Saving Private Ryan is a film. It is allowed to be realistic and add a shock value to it. But would you want to play as Capparzo or even Wade? The medic who spends the whole film without a weapon and then gets zippered by an MG42. The question here is not what makes a good movie but what makes an authentic and fun game. And no COD is not realistic...but it is the biggest selling piece of entertainment?
@Nibroc420 how many copies did Penumbra sell? I guarantee you MOH will sell more in a week...why? fun factor. Yes games do exist without the purpose of being fun....Flight sim for example, but i remember even my dad getting bored of it!
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