If DC was smart, they would’ve given del Toro a $150+ million budget and the full reigns to a Swamp Thing movie based on Alan Moore’s iconic run.
Instead we get some lame ass, Zack Snyder-induced “DCEU” with surfer dude-bro Aquaman, an obnoxious and annoying Flash, CG shit Cyborg instead of John Stewart’s Green Lantern, etc.
This movie sucked a hot fart directly from my asshole.
There are a ton of people out there who will just defend anything Star Wars related.
It doesn’t seem like they have any damn clue where they want to take these movies. Just throw in a John Williams-esque score, lightsabers, TIE fighters, and AT-AT’s and brainless douchebags worldwide will eat it up with a giant smile on their faces and gladly ask for seconds.
Mike Stoklasa said it best. Star Wars has officially hiked up its skirt and is giving out BJ’s and handies for a nickel a pop while Kathleen Kennedy counts the money in a dingy hotel room.
@Henry518: What do box office numbers have to do with the quality of a film?
Those shitty Transformers and Fast & Furious movies consistently earn over $1 billion at the box office. And I’d rather saw my balls off with a rusty butter knife than sit through any one of them.
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