@Xristophoros: I don’t have a problem with a lighter tone in regards to certain characters. Dark and gritty works for characters like Batman or the Punisher...but it made absolutely no sense for a character like Superman. That’s what guys like Snyder don’t seem to understand. Superman is supposed to be the super idealistic, goody two-shoes Boy Scout. Yet Snyder turned him into this mopey, brooding douchebag who acts like he’d rather be doing anything else than saving people...except for Lois Lane.
I think Justice League should have a lighter tone than stuff like Man of Steel, BvS or Suicide Squad...but it just seems like they’ve gone completely overboard and vaulted to the other extreme.
How anyone could consider this a good thing is beyond me.
Snyder is a one trick pony and that trick stopped being interesting a long time ago.
This is sure to be a CGI extravaganza (looks more like a videogame than a movie) with excessive lens flare and slow mo shots.
It's also ridiculous how these DC movies have gone from having little to no levity to now going totally overboard and cracking lame-ass jokes every other second, judging by the trailers. And the funniest thing is that the "kiddie" comedy elements that Marvel injects into their movies has been heavily ridiculed by DC fanboys for years. Now they're suddenly all about it for Justice League...lol.
@autumnvarela: The Punisher isn’t a superhero, he’s a ruthless vigilante who slaughters criminals. Who the hell wants to see some lighthearted, PG-13 version of Frank Castle? Nobody.
@huehuebrbr: I’m sorry...are the Switch, NES Classic and SNES Classic readily available? No? Thought so. And that’s not because of some crazy ass demand that Nintendo can’t meet. It’s because the goofy assholes running the company are more concerned with having the “hot product” than maximizing profits. Which is a completely ass-backwards business model.
Frank_Castle's comments