@dylan35: Take it easy slappy. It's obvious you take your vidya games very seriously.
If you already own a PS4 or XBone...there's no use for this thing. It's going to play the same exact games as the XBone but at a higher resolution (which means dick anyway if you don't own a 4K TV). And if you think that the Scorpio will play every game in native 4K with consistent frame rates...then I've got a bridge to sell you. They would have to charge over a grand for the thing if that was the case.
Even though this isn't being directed by Zack Snyder...it sure as hell looks like a Zack Snyder movie. Excessive lens flare and slo-mo shots, constant close ups, muted color palette, lame wooden dialogue, etc.
I'm also not convinced in the slightest that this Gal Gadot chick can carry her own movie for 2+ hours. She's a model, not an actress.
If this movie is shit then I fully expect Justice League to be the last DCEU entry.
Because so far, DC/WB don't seem to have the slightest clue as to what the hell they're doing.
This is the lame ass universe that has turned Superman into Batman, Batman into the Punisher, and the Joker into some lame wigger pimp.
You'd think these reports would cause Nintendo to ramp up production...but they're fucking morons so that won't happen.
These dummies have left tens of millions of dollars sitting on the table because of this silly ass business practice. Same thing eventually happened with Amiibos. Nintendo halted production in favor of having the "hot commodity" instead of maximizing profits. Just total dipshits.
Frank_Castle's comments