@louixiii: I don't. Negan is the only reason I haven't tuned out. Who the hell just wants to watch Rick and Co. play House in Alexandria every week? Because that's essentially what the show had become until Negan was introduced.
All in all, the comic is vastly superior to the TV show.
@doctor_mg: Because Nintendo, once again, is putting out a minuscule amount of the damn things at launch and there's essentially nothing besides Breath of the Wild to play for it for the first 9-10 months.
After Breath of the Wild, there isn't anything worthwhile for this damn thing until the new Mario at the end of the year. And who would be surprised if that gets delayed until the first quarter of 2018?
That shitty Atari throwback system sold over 1 million units and most people couldn't care less about those shitty old games.
You're telling me that Nintendo couldn't foresee the NES Classic with Super Mario Bros, Megaman 2, Tecmo Bowl, Donkey Kong, Castlevania, etc outselling that hunk of crap by at least a 5 to 1 margin?
If that's the case, then the goofs calling the shots over at Nintendo are even dumber than I thought.
Hell, at this point, I'm actively rooting for the Switch to flop and for Nintendo to drop out of the console race and go 3rd party.
Nintendo is comprised of a bunch of fucking morons.
How many tens of millions of dollars have they left on the table because they prefer having the "hot commodity" over maximizing profits as well as making sure that essentially everyone can own their products?
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