@tunaman44: Sorry, slappy. Just wasn't a very good movie besides the 3rd act. Didn't give a flying rats asshole about any of the characters, the plot, etc.
The only good scenes were the ones done strictly for fan service. Same with The Force Awakens.
I'll still take both of them over the first two prequels...but no. It wasn't a great movie.
The Star Wars fatigue has already sunk in full force with me. Disney is going to keep pumping these things out annually until the sales completely dry up.
@sladakrobot: The PS4 and XBone just turned 3 years old and the PS Pro and XBone S have already hit the market. Then you have Microsoft coming out with the Scorpio next year. And I guarantee the PS5 and XB whatever will be rolling down the pike by 2019/2020.
Hell, I remember reading numerous threads around here with plenty of people complaining about the PS4 and XBone just 6-8 months into their life cycles, saying they wanted a new gen already.
So for the people who repeatedly eat that shit up...clearly PC gaming isn't too expensive in comparison.
@sladakrobot: Never said they did. Consoles have their benefits over PC and vice versa. But the "it cost too much money to build a PC" argument is just ridiculous when many of those same people are more than willing to drop $400+ on a new console every few years.
Not to mention the people who say that and then go out and purchase (or get their parents to purchase) all 3 of the new consoles costing in excess of $1,000.
@sladakrobot: Your last point makes no sense to me. That's like me saying "If i had the money to buy a car...why should I buy a Toyota Corolla instead of a Rolls Royce Phantom?"
You made it sound like you HAVE to spend a couple grand to put together a good, solid gaming PC....you don't.
Now, if you want to put together some suped up rig that plays every game maxed out in 4K resolution? Well, yeah...no shit you're going to spend more money. But that's just totally unnecessary unless you're one of those people with tons of money to burn and are obsessed with having the latest tech.
Frank_Castle's comments