@sladakrobot: And? If you already bought a PS4 or XBone in the last 2-3 years and have purchased, or are about to purchase, a PS4 Pro or XBone S...then you've already spent that kind of coin on an inferior machine.
Konami is a total shitstain on the gaming community...but I'll never understand the praise showered on Kojima either. Guy takes a bunch of totally non-sensical ideas and plot points, crams them into Metal Gear and people somehow label him a genius. The guy seriously can't write for shit.
Out of the entire Metal Gear series, there's been two legitimately great games. Metal Gear Solid and Snake Eater.
Sons of Liberty was ruined for me with the goofy fat f*cker on roller skates in addition to being forced to play as Raiden for half the game and MGS IV was some of the most pretentious bullshit I've witnessed in videogame form.
MGS V was a good overall game that allowed for much freedom...but in no way, shape or form was it GOTY material.
@rushiosan: George Clooney is a pretty well-rounded actor. Reynolds knows how to play the smartass jokester...and that's about it. That's why Deadpool was perfect for him.
Frank_Castle's comments