@NTenseify: I'd say the people who are so concerned with showing off their XBOX/PlayStation achievements to anonymous people on the Internet are the ones living sad, robotic lives.
@Jdzspace: Yes, Nintendo rules the handheld market...a market that is sure to become extinct in the near future as cell phones become more and more powerful. Not many people want to walk around with their phone in one pocket and a big, bulky handheld in the other. The only place where handhelds are still big sellers is in Japan because the Japanese are obsessed with cute little portable things for some reason.
Nintendo will be a 3rd party/mobile developer within the next 4-5 years. No one is going to buy the NX outside of the handful of Nintendo faithful. The NX will be their last "console".
If you just bought an XBone/PS4 less than 3 years ago and you're set to buy a Scorpio or Neo...then I never want to hear this bullshit about PC gaming being "too expensive" ever again.
Frank_Castle's comments