@Meghiddo: I'm not talking about being a workaholic who is obsessed with being at the office or job site all the time. But yeah, this kid is a little puss if he finds it so hard to put in his 40 hours a week like the vast majority of the population...after only 6 years, no less.
@velcroboy: You just sound like a dumbass saying stuff like this. If you're 35, you sure as hell don't sound like it. I'm not seeing why this guy can't be a working, contributing member of society...and still play Pokemon. Quitting your job to play a videogame all day isn't living life...it's the complete opposite, actually.
@Chernnunos: Exactly. You have to accept responsibility at some point as an adult and as a man. The kid has worked for a total of 6 years and he's already burnt out and can't take it anymore? This guy is in for a rude awakening. Because life is going to get a helluva lot harder than that.
@xOmniCloudx: Not really, I'd say the majority defending this silly shit are probably young and dumb just like this guy. And if you think that working for a total of 6 years is some kind of exorbitant amount of time....then lolz.
I don't see how anyone who has been out in the real world and has a family of their own can defend this.
@velcroboy: What do I think his priorities should be? What every adult males priorities should be. Family and work. Not some fucking mobile game where you track down fictional creatures. That's something you do in your spare time. Not utterly commit yourself towards. If you think that Pokemon GO should take precedent, then you're an ignorant dildo.
I bet a lot of people calling this a "waste of money" are the same goofs who pay an extra $30+ for the "Collectors Edition" of games, all for a paper map and a shitty plastic figurine.
@velcroboy: How do I know? Because he quit his job to go capture imaginary anime monsters, dicksnap. Yep, this guy sure has his priorities in order. LOL
Frank_Castle's comments