@arcanesmile: It's a damn joke that the original versions haven't been given the restoration treatment.
I'm hoping that it'll eventually come with Disney now having secured the rights from Lucas. All of these fuckheads are about money first and foremost, and could you imagine how much money Disney would stand to make by restoring the originals with pristine picture and audio quality on Blu Ray?
I still have my VHS tapes and a goddamn Sanyo VCR set aside just to view these movies in their original state.
@isildor: Which will be a damn travesty. Why anyone would want Snyder essentially overseeing the bulk of the DCCU for the foreseeable future is beyond me.
It's a big screen portrayal of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. This movie was going to make money regardless. But the quality was total shit.
DC and Warner Bros need to kick Snyder's ass to the curb ASAP. That guys directing style is the very definition of "all flash and no substance". None of his movies ever rise above mediocre.
And if that guy is a comic book fan, you could've fooled me. Because I'm not sure why Batman was portrayed as a totally nihilistic vigilante gunning dudes down like he's the DC version of the Punisher. And I've never seen Superman portrayed as a brooding, mopey douchebag until Snyder got his hands on him.
Not to mention that getting Eisenberg to play Lex has to be one the biggest miscasts in recent memory. His performance would make even Jim Carrey's Riddler cringe. I have no idea why you would cast a guy who has built a career out of playing nothing but whiny, timid characters to be Superman's arch nemesis.
Serious changes need to be made or the Justice League movie is going to be another massive disappointment.
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