@darthrevenx: Yeah, no shit. They're superheroes. Of course the whole premise is goofy.
But Daredevil is a helluva lot more dark and violent than any of those shows. It's the only MA rated superhero adaptation besides Jessica Jones (which I thought was boring as shit for the most part) on TV.
As far as I know, none of those other shows deal with mature themes like drug running, human trafficking (kids, no less), etc.
Punisher was all the reason I needed. Season 1 was already damn good, Season 2 looks to up the action and brutality.
Stuff like Arrow, Flash, Agents of SHIELD, etc is total kiddy shit in comparison. Hands down the best TV comic book adaptation. Hell, better than most of the movie adaptations.
Preacher was good, but I'll never understand why some consider it one of the greatest comic runs in history. Halfway through the series, I started to seriously dislike Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy. Herr Starr was hands down the most interesting (and funniest) character in the comics.
@LPDisturbedHU: Netflix would certainly be the best format to introduce him into the MCU...just not sure how they would do his face. Do they CGI the thing to just make it look like a black hole with two piercing white eyes? Do they go the new-school Warren Ellis route?
Would definitely be awesome to see him introduced. Could come up with a lot of creative storylines just based on the multiple personalities angle alone. Always boggled by mind that such a diverse character was only written competently by his creator (Doug Moench).
@mezzanine58: I think it's essentially guaranteed judging by the two trailers that the yakuza will be the main villains for the first 8-10 episodes with Punisher taking on the role of secondary "villain" for his methods, then you'll see The Hand emerge as the big threat with Daredevil, Punisher and perhaps Elektra all teaming up to take them on.
Frank_Castle's comments