We're picking posts from anonymous posters on NeoGAF and passing that off as news?
Some anonymous dickbag over at the IGN boards told me that we'll be getting the next Red Dead by the end of the year. Quick, go right an article about it, Eddie!
@willjohnboy: I'm hating on the movie because Zack Snyder is a hack who is the very definition of "all flash and no substance". It just boggles my mind how DC and Warner Bros couldn't come up with a better choice to handle DC's Big 3. Especially since a guy like George Miller (creator of the Mad Max films) has wanted to make a movie like this for years.
Again, I don't hate DC comics (I've been a regular reader of Batman, Swamp Thing, etc for close to 30 years). But the decisions they make regarding their movie adaptations absolutely deserve to be ridiculed.
@olddadgamer: You're batshit crazy if you think Rockstar would just sweep Red Dead under the rug. Especially when RDR was one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful games of last generation.
I have no doubt that they've been working on it AT LEAST since they finished up GTA V.
@willjohnboy: The hell does that have to do with anything? Yeah, the Punisher has been my favorite comic character since I was a kid in the 80's. So what? Why the hell does that mean that I automatically hate DC?
I like DC comics...but as far as their movie adaptations are concerned? LOL...aside from the Christopher Nolan Batman movies (well...mostly. TDKR fucking sucked), basically everything they've adapted to the big screen has been dogshit.
@spaced92: Huh? I'm not just some Marvel fanboy. But if you're going to sit here and try telling me that DC makes just as good of casting decisions as Marvel does with their movie/TV adaptations...well, then allow me to laugh in your fucking face.
It's not like these dicks are on some constricted budget. If you're putting together a $150+ million dollar movie showcasing the 3 most popular characters in the history of the DC universe...then maybe you could get someone more qualified than a couple of dickbags like Snyder and Goyer to put it all together. And maybe cast someone a little more intimidating than Jesse fucking Eisenberg as one of your most revered villains.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when this movie doesn't even beat out Deadpool at the Box Office. Forget competing with Civil War.
A movie starring the "Big 3" of DC superheroes and who do DC and Warner Bros get to helm the project? A couple of talentless fucking hacks like Zack Snyder and David Goyer.
Frank_Castle's comments