@Roy023: Was a decent, quick read. Nothing groundbreaking or anything though. Was basically a copy and paste job of "Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe" released by Garth Ennis back in '94/'95.
@jazilla: Who cares? If it's a topic that doesn't interest you, then just scroll past it. There's plenty of crap posted on the main page that I couldn't care less about.
@xolivierx: Little about the movie made sense. Take the two scientists who become separated from the rest of the group in the pyramid. One minute they're scared shitless to even move, and the next they're trying to pet a fucking alien that is clearly exhibiting hostile behavior.
Or when the group first enters the pyramid, they take their fucking helmets off on a foreign planet just because there are traces of oxygen in the atmosphere.
Or when that Naomi Rapace chick performs a cesarean on herself, only to be literally running around the ship 5 minutes later like it never even happened.
I could spend all day listing goofy, nonsensical crap about that movie.
Ridley Scott sure as hell isn't what he used to be during the Alien and Blade Runner days.
Frank_Castle's comments