@Megamandrew: Pretty much. 300 and the Dawn of the Dead re-make are the only remotely decent movies that this clown has done...yet DC thought it would be in their best interest to attach this snapdick to their most beloved character. I'm not even a huge Superman fan, but it's sad that he isn't getting the utmost respect.
Snyder is one of the biggest hacks in Hollywood. Don't know why the hell they put Superman into the hands of this dickhole. Especially when George Miller has wanted to make a Superman movie for a long time now and is infinitely more talented.
@NbAlIvEr10000: The Thomas Jane/John Travolta movie was definitely the most "decent" one (War Zone was total dogshit and the Dolph Lundgren version has aged horribly), but I'm really looking forward to what Marvel themselves can do with the character.
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