I've disliked him ever since this Entertainment Weekly interview. What an uppity douchebag.
"One of the things I like about the X-Men is they're not killing people. I miss the idea of... heroes who stop that kind of thing from happening. Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher. I don't believe in what he does. The Punisher just shoots up places. And if you're telling me he's never hit an innocent, then I'm telling you, that's fascist crap".
Really? This jackass is supposedly a huge comic nerd, and he doesn't realize Wolverine has killed numerous people? You're telling me that when Hulk goes on one of his rampages tearing through city blocks or Superman is smashing bad dudes into skyscrapers, zero innocents are ever harmed?
@pongley: Well, that I can agree with for the most part.
Basically, one really good idea has catapulted him to stardom. Thing is, he hasn't done dick to sustain that success over the last 35 years....yet, he's still worshipped as an icon.
The Star Wars prequels were a fucking disaster and American Graffiti has been trumped at least a few times since the early 70's (Dazed and Confused and Fast Times at Ridgemont High immediately spring to mind).
He ruined the Star Wars prequels and played a major part in ruining Indiana Jones.
Was it a terrible movie? No, but isn't wasn't some sort of "groundbreaking masterpiece" either. It was your standard, Hollywood summer blockbuster which was pumped up to the heavens simply because of the name of the man attached to direct it.
"Avatar is this generations Star Wars" my ass. Most people that you talk to can only vaguely remember the movie. Even just the first Star Wars movie alone had tons of more memorable moments and characters. The Death Star, the lightsaber, the Millennium Falcon, Darth Vader, Obi Wan, Han Solo, Luke, R2-D2, C3-PO, Princess Leia, the Emperor....
Most people can't even remember a single fucking characters name from Avatar.
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