So I'm in my first year as a Media student and I finished 7/8 classes. The last class I failed miserably so I took it again. Doing class again, I had an assignment, this one was worth 40% of my mark. I ended up again a paultry score.
Here's the catch. I handed in my assignment with 3 out of 5 parts to it. I accidentally forgot to staple the other parts. I did send an e-copy to the lecturer on the same day (with everything) but he was still staunch in his position on the matter. To him I simply did not hand in a hard copy with all the work. Currently, this mark, is forcing me to gain something like 67%+ for the upcoming exam.
I've brought this up with the higher ups of the institution, and they so far don't seem to want to intervene against another lecturer, but there is still hope. Of course, it is in the lecturers right to stand by what he said, what he's done is fair and what I did was my fault.
I'm very likely going to fail this class twice, and once because of basic human error. This means, I would have taken, a further two semesters .... with only advancing in one single class. This is absolutely defeating to me, and its difficult to for me to accept it.
So my question to you is, if you were this lecturer, would you exercise leniency? Another question you might want to answer is, what should I do in this situation? Also, does anyone have any similar stories?
Don't be so casual about your education.
I wish I was. It may be easy to not believe me, but I made sure I did everything I could to get strong marks this time around for eg. I saw two different study advisors.
Except, of course make not actually making sure I handed in all my work -__-
I'm not asking for anyone feel sorry though. I just want to know, would people would do if they were the lecturer, and/or what I should do to proceed with the situation (other than study)
Well everything is your fault (sorry to be so harsh) so just the fact that they let you take a class a second time should have been enough.
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