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#1 frannkzappa
Member since 2012 • 3003 Posts

What he did is commendable, and his enemies are fools. This situation is a demonstration of the danger of allowing a democratic government to create committees to control the schools.Public education necessitates an authoritarian power structure, and when such a structure establishes a monopoly on the entire industry then those individuals operating within it cannot be held accountable for their crimes (moral or legal).Laihendi

First of all authoritarian =/= pure evil.

A monopoly(especially a government controlled one) in the case of education is a good thing, it ensures equality of opportunity which is imperative in education.


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#2 frannkzappa
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[QUOTE="Sleepwalk7"] I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about here. Paul Davies thinks that life permitting universes are improbable. He also thinks most physicists are in agreement here. What I linked was a paper he did. His goal, "I argue that the key property of life is its information content, and speculate that the emergence of the requisite information-processing machinery might require quantum information theory for a satisfactory explanation. Some clues about how decoherence might be evaded are discussed. The implications of some of these ideas for fine-tuning are discussed."Sleepwalk7

Why remove the marks? Here's the direct copy-pasta:

The implications of some of these ideas for fine-tuning are discussed.

Notice how 'fine-tuning' is in quotations? That means he's using the term as an analogy, not as a direct explanation.

Notice also:

The oft-repeated claim that life is written into the laws of nature is examined and criticised.

'Written into' as well, suggesting that "this is not actually the case", as is further clarified by the fact that it states he intends to examine andcriticize that point.

So yeah, you just gave me a link that disagrees with your argument. Thanks for that.

I didn't edit out the quotation marks. For some reason when I copied and pasted it they didn't transfer over. In any case, you're really grasping for straws now, aren't you? You didn't know who Paul Davies was until I mentioned him... And I turned your world upside down with my claim that Paul Davies, a renowned physicist, believes the universe is fine-tuned for life and that he thinks most physicist are in agreement here. A quick Google search on Paul Davies and fine-tuning (I challenge everyone to do that now because BrokenRabbit is purposely spreading misinformation) shows that he believes the universe is indeed fine-tuned for life. In fact, if you visit the Wikipedia page on fine-tuning, you will find a quote by him that was extracted from the article that I cited, "Physicist Paul Davies has asserted that "There is now broad agreement among physicists and cosmologists that the Universe is in several respects fine-tuned' for life". However, he continues, "the conclusion is not so much that the Universe is fine-tuned for life; rather it is fine-tuned for the building blocks and environments that life requires." Since you don't know anything about Paul Davies, you thought that I was just making things up, so you took a gamble by trying to twist the source that I cited. Unfortunately, you're not making any sense--and like I said before--anyone can Google Paul Davies and fine-tuning to find the truth. That being said, he has fine-tuning in quotation marks because it's a non-technical colloquial term . However, he does indeed think that the universe is highly improbable. Here's a book he wrote about how fine-tuned the universe is for life, The link might not work. Just search for Cosmic Jackpot: Why Our Universe is Just Right For Life.

You're not even trying anymore.

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#3 frannkzappa
Member since 2012 • 3003 Posts


[QUOTE="alim298"] Of course but not by the structure of this world. He will have to make a whole new world with different logic. Existence however is a logic of this world God is probably even beyond this logic. So don't try to assume God is anything close to this world and his very reality can be understood by the terms we use like existence.


If we can't understand it and can't test it, then how are you so sure God exists?

Yes I pretty much believe you can't prove the existence of God as a material but read this by Einstein:

"But, on the other hand, every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive."

It's pretty common knowledge to disregard everything Einstein says that's not in equation form.

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#4 frannkzappa
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[QUOTE="alim298"] Big Bang is a "Possibilty" just like "God caused Big Bang" being a possibilitiy.


We can detect the continuing expansion of the universe, we can detect the echo, we can see a (mostly) homogeneous distribution of temperature...if the shoe fits.

And those 100% guarantee you that big bang has happened. You now are talking against physic because all physicist accept that it is a "theory" not a fact

All "facts" are theories, there is no way to 100% prove anything.

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#5 frannkzappa
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[QUOTE="TruthTellers"] So, basically they are created from energy that they create themselves?Sleepwalk7

All energy was created during the Big Bang. It's just changing forms.

Cool. Who was the Big Banger?

There doesn't need to be a "who". That's a very human centric attitude.

The only arbiters of the universe are the fundamental forms.

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#6 frannkzappa
Member since 2012 • 3003 Posts

All of Frank Zappa's bands.

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#7 frannkzappa
Member since 2012 • 3003 Posts

Why do people respond to this guys threads? He's not even clever about his trolling.

Now Orbs... there's a man that can troll.

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#8 frannkzappa
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So I'm in my first year as a Media student and I finished 7/8 classes. The last class I failed miserably so I took it again. Doing class again, I had an assignment, this one was worth 40% of my mark. I ended up again a paultry score.

Here's the catch. I handed in my assignment with 3 out of 5 parts to it. I accidentally forgot to staple the other parts. I did send an e-copy to the lecturer on the same day (with everything) but he was still staunch in his position on the matter. To him I simply did not hand in a hard copy with all the work. Currently, this mark, is forcing me to gain something like 67%+ for the upcoming exam.

I've brought this up with the higher ups of the institution, and they so far don't seem to want to intervene against another lecturer, but there is still hope. Of course, it is in the lecturers right to stand by what he said, what he's done is fair and what I did was my fault.

I'm very likely going to fail this class twice, and once because of basic human error. This means, I would have taken, a further two semesters .... with only advancing in one single class. This is absolutely defeating to me, and its difficult to for me to accept it.

So my question to you is, if you were this lecturer, would you exercise leniency? Another question you might want to answer is, what should I do in this situation? Also, does anyone have any similar stories?


Don't be so casual about your education.

I wish I was. It may be easy to not believe me, but I made sure I did everything I could to get strong marks this time around for eg. I saw two different study advisors.

Except, of course make not actually making sure I handed in all my work -__-

I'm not asking for anyone feel sorry though. I just want to know, would people would do if they were the lecturer, and/or what I should do to proceed with the situation (other than study)

Well everything is your fault (sorry to be so harsh) so just the fact that they let you take a class a second time should have been enough.

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#9 frannkzappa
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study, it's all you can really do.

If you can't get a 70 on an exam (on your second try no less) there is no real help for you.


This... If you you struggle to get a 67% (2% above failing...) in a first year course on your second attempt at it, then wtf jack.

No offense, but you seem pretty out of it. How do you only print up and hand in 3/5 of an assignment? Especially when said assignment is worth 40% of your grade. I don't see how it is possible to accomplish that.

Huh? No I need to get 50% to pass. I'm saying I need 67+ in my exam to get to 50% (an overall unit pass) with my current assignment marks.

either way if you can't ace an exam ON YOUR SECOND TRY... then there is a problem.

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#10 frannkzappa
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[QUOTE="Bucked20"]Crips,bloods,VL's and GD's must unite Bucked20

to form an even bigger gang of criminals?

So they can stop fighting each other and focus their energy on other things

Yeah, like shooting more people or selling more drugs.