The thing is many people simply aren't suited to intellectual persuits. If there's no place for them to be productive, because you've taken away any opportunities for them to be productive, then they're going to be idle. This is what you've encouraged. Idleness leads to all sorts of shit - crime, vandalism, overpopulation, etc. I'm sure you think your pet philosophy is the greatest thing since the invention of agriculture, but I'm not sure that you're really thought it out to its logical ends.
Sure, the point may be to increase productivity. That does not mean that will be the result. Lots of things have been done that ended up far from what the point was suppose to be. This is because humans are prone to f*cking things up. It's an old cliche, but there's truth to it - the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
as for those unsuited for intellectual pursuits: All natural born citizens must pass through the educational system to remain in the technate. People that fail are ejected from the technate.
However intelligence and technical competence are not mandatory for all citizens, there would still be a large need for unskilled workers in the service industry. If they can't be part of the intellectual pursuits they can at least support them. And again if they fail to be productive or prove to be a problem they will be ejected from the technate.
And even if perfect technocracy is not achieved i still assert that even an imperfect technocracy is better than the democracies and tyrannies of today.
- Decries tyranny.
- Proposes the biggest goddamed tyranny I've ever heard of.
A competent government is not a tyranny. Tyranny implies a negative effect on the state and it's people.
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