I think unions are the result of policy implimented by the government that may or may not include professions and services wholly or partially endorsed, as well as or excluding a service provided by one or more governing bodies within the local, state, and/or federal level(s), thus making them a conclusion of a government function as well as a possible function of a government due to regulatory policies that regularly define as well as oversee and/or take punitive action against violation(s) of established law.
yes. unions as originally conceived were fine...However in practice they have strayed far from their origins.
Either way this is not the same as direct government control of production.
almost exactly what I would have said Unions are not a function of the true free market. Plus why on earth would you want government production of goods an services, I believe that has been tried before.Not services, just goods.
And while it has been tried before (and failed) it has not been tried by a competent technocratic government, which is a different matter entirely.
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