[QUOTE="leviathan91"]Not if your a republican congressman trying to get votes :p:? It's pointless imo.
I.E why democracy is a failed form of government.
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[QUOTE="leviathan91"]Not if your a republican congressman trying to get votes :p:? It's pointless imo.
I.E why democracy is a failed form of government.
Frank, can you define treason?
"treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation" from wikipedia.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."
Article 3, Section 3, US Constitution.
If you want to get into specifics then, yes.
However that doesn't contradict my statement or my point.
[QUOTE="frannkzappa"][QUOTE="Laihendi"] I do not understand what you are saying. How would a Canadian foreign-aid program for the benefit of US citizens result in a war? Even in the most extreme scenario the only logical war that could lead to would be revolt against the Canadian government by its citizens. Just to clarify, my position is that all welfare spending (including foreign aid) is irrational and therefore a logical government would never demand the funds to provide for such programs.Laihendi
here is where the war part is coming from.
The US government does not want felons to receive this aid,the Canadian government then openly defies the US government and then subverts it's edict.\
Open defiance (by a foreign state) and subversion are grounds for war (albeit a bit shaky)
You already know my views on welfare (I.E citezenship package).
I am assuming that violent criminals are being cut off from receiving food stamps because they are (rightfully) seen as not being worth the cost of feeding. I highly doubt the US government would object to some other person/organization providing food for those people as long as it is not done at the expense of the US government. If the government was actually wanting those criminals to not eat at all rather than just not eat food paid for with US tax revenues, then the restrictions placed on them would go beyond merely limiting welfare access.Well are the Canadians doing this without the permission of the US government?
[QUOTE="frannkzappa"][QUOTE="Laihendi"] I am curious what you think about this idea: What if the Canadian government started a (taxpayer-funded) foreign aid program to provide violent criminals in the United States with food stamps? Would you support/oppose such a program? Please share your thoughts on this.Laihendi
A logical government would simply intercept those funds and use them for their own purposes.
I imagine war would not be out of the question either.
I do not understand what you are saying. How would a Canadian foreign-aid program for the benefit of US citizens result in a war? Even in the most extreme scenario the only logical war that could lead to would be revolt against the Canadian government by its citizens. Just to clarify, my position is that all welfare spending (including foreign aid) is irrational and therefore a logical government would never demand the funds to provide for such programs.here is where the war part is coming from.
The US government does not want felons to receive this aid,the Canadian government then openly defies the US government and then subverts it's edict.\
Open defiance (by a foreign state) and subversion are grounds for war (albeit a bit shaky)
You already know my views on welfare (I.E citezenship package).
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]lmao could you suck his dick even more? how sad coming from the guy who wraps a jimmy choo painted leopard around his neck and gets down on his knees every time someone calls for more welfare spending. roflyou do know you said that out loud right?[QUOTE="mmwmwmmwmwmm"]cant wait to see his next evasion.mmwmwmmwmwmm
[QUOTE="BossPerson"][QUOTE="Laihendi"] So you are evading the question. Obviously you would never consider freely buying food for violent criminals in the United States (or else you would, since there is nothing stopping you). Your non-answer indicates that you would also oppose being forced to fund a foreign-aid program (via taxes) to do that same thing, and that you do not want to admit it because such an admission would undermine your entire political philosophy. If people should be forced to tend to the welfare of others at their own expense, why should you be an exception? If I should be forced to buy dinner for a murderer, why should you not have to contribute as well? Why do I owe the murderer any more than you do? If the proper concern is others at the expense of the self, why should the Canadian government not contribute to American criminals in need of food? Of course no Canadian would benefit from such a program, but the entire point of your political philosophy is to help others regardless of whether you benefit from it. If you are unwilling to give to those whom you owe nothing, then you have no right to criticize others for doing the same thing.LaihendiThere is a certain something called "citizenship" you seem to be disregarding. Citizenship has absolutely nothing to do with the altruist moralizing used to justify welfare programs. How is an American any more obligated to feed violent criminals in the US than a Canadian? Neither the American nor the Canadian would benefit from that action in any way. Why does the criminal have a claim on the money of the American but not on the Canadian? Matters of citizenship are entirely arbitrary and have nothing to do with the ethics of the situation.
Lai what's your response to my answer to the question you posed a few pages back?
[QUOTE="frannkzappa"][QUOTE="famicommander"] Nothing is infallible about the Constitution. I myself am an anarchist and, having read the Constitution and looked into the meanings behind the phrasing used in it, could point out flaws in it all day. But the Constitution exists to limit the power of the government. And a big part of that is not giving any one man the power to make war. If we're going to pay lip service to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights we should at least read the damned thing. It has provisions in it for changing it, should the need arise. The president and congress cannot simply pick and choose which parts of it they should follow; they should change it through the defined process if they truly feel it needs changing. If the president can simply decide to circumvent the Constitution there's no point in trying to limit the power of government at all.Toxic-Seahorse
Anarchy is the single greatest threat to humanity. It strives to keep humanity stupid and enslaved to the incompetance of the individual. Only under a large technocratic government can a man be free and reach his highest potential.
A proper government should not be limited... AT ALL.
Unlimited government? That worked real well for the USSR....The USSR was a communist state run by incompetents...Not a technocracy.
Frank, can you define treason?
"treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation" from wikipedia.
[QUOTE="frannkzappa"][QUOTE="m25105"] You must have a very closed mind if you think everyone in prison doesn't deserve a normal life. Bad life experience that has clouded your judgement, or have you just lived a sheltered life?m25105
What part of violent felons and treason don't you understand?
What part of not understanding that a man knocking a guy out in a street fight cause the other dude insulted him, don't you understand? If a drunk bastard walked up to your lady and told her to get down and suck it, you'd just give him a stern lecture and do nothing? Believe it or not, plenty of good normal guys are in prison cause of a street fight.sounds like a matter for a police force not a vigilante.
It's still bloody expensive in contrast to having most of them returning to a normal life a la Norway.
But I guess we could always try to do things the worst way possible because we can!
except it's not.
Felons do not deserve a "normal life".
I respect your opinion, but its very sad that you think of your fellow man in such a way. Also, drug users and people who tried to skip out on income tax do not deserve to be executed. Life is complicated, good people can do bad things and dont deserve to be executed or jailed for life.I don't think drug possession(or growing and selling) should be a federal crime in the first place.
Tax fraud definitly deserves imprisonment, but maybe not quite as sever as other felonies.
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