It really is quite simple. You either need to make arrangements for felons to be able to function in society, which may, for some, require food stamps (felons aren't likely to be wealthy to say the least), or you put them in prison forever. The latter is more expensive and less productive. It's also a kind of sh!tty thing to do.
It doesn't need to be.If certain expensive legal procedures were dropped and living conditions lowered, life prison terms would be more efficient.
Action should also be taken to lower the expense of state sponsored execution, so that violent criminals can be executed without the economic drain.
Yeah, but you are still paying to house, feed, clothe and medicate them as opposed to getting them back to a point where they do what normal people do - be productive and pay taxes. The Europeans do the best with the prison/recidivism thing.
Additionally, unless you plan to not bother proving criminals are guilty, which is otherwise an expensive process, you'll end up executing quite a few innocent people, which is a very bad thing.
Rehabilitation is a joke (in a criminal sense), it's too risky to let violent criminals back into society.
They lost their chance.
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