Well as i said before we should take death in this game simply as a given, he is there in castlevania as simply the guy who helps dracula in his evilbidding. I mean, every evil guy needs a sidekick to help him right? or am i wrong?
well there probably isn't any deeper meaning to death besides that he is just dracula's sidekick, it would be fun to see death actually serving soma, since well technically he IS dracula.
then why does he keep appearing after AOS, i mean dracula isn't there anymore, if anything he should be bowing to soma and serving him instead being the most annoying boss of DOS. plus Death never really says much about himself so i doubt that there is something more to him, he just happens to be Dracula's servant because dracula has the crimson stone which gives him control over death itmself, hence why he can never die.
btw, who else is a little mad that for the fifth time they made another refference to 1999 and yet there's still no word about that from IGA (damn you), I saw Alucard's playthrough on youtube and when i saw the ending i was like "And so they do it again" well at now I know that Alucard was actually the one responsible for finally finding the way to destroy Dracula for good, the belmonts and the vimpire killer were but only the finall key to this event, so yea Alucard seems to be way more important to the series cannon than most if not all belmonts in the games
due i thought Grant was supposed to be like a pirate or something, not a mummy or something. I liked Alucard's look, and also Trevor's, however i did thought that Simon's look should have been more of a badass warrior, like Trevor, not some Straight out of vouge magazine look, seriously
oh i see, btw who else here hated Eric's look in this game i mean c'mon he looks like a little girl instead of an emo boy that is just not right aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!1 o_O
oh i see.... are there any OMG moments in it in the story mode or is it a typical castlevania plot, doe it make sense, is there time traveling involved?
I don't own it nor a wii and i wasn't very expectant of this game either but i've seen videos and it looks quite decent, so i want some opinion how is it was it a memorable and classic entrance to the series or will it be forgotten by next month. the only thing that i see i don't like is the character design, they just don't look right, like i don't really see simon belmont looking anything like he looks in judgement
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