fredy1689's forum posts
I know they had to get away from the anime style, but come on atleast tell us something more about her, to emphasize her being alone and her memories being all that is left to her
Hey i think i can give it a shot, i am pretty active in gamespot as a whole and i also know alot about castlevania, been playing since the first game howver i haven't played the one and only that people praise the most, that is of course SOTN, so yea i think i could make a good officer cee you then guys.
use my spining whip attack to hurt semi and chang, -5 hp to both of you, jajaja i loved how hush tried to make allusions to the space marines, even thoguh i actually hate them
You for got something Hush... FOR...THE...EMPEROR!!!!!!!!
+10hp to hush
used my short sword on airline and gave a pice of cake to xemas, -5hp to airline and +5hp to xemas
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