Oh well, Iron blue intention is very nice, i like that song actually, but even as good as bloody tears is i just got tired of it i seriously hope for wicked child in the future games to come not so much bloody tears since they just re re re re re remixed it for the Dracula X Chronicles, vampire killer and wicked child are simply classics and of the two wicked child needs to be used again, vampire killer has been used in pretty much everysingle castlevania game except for PoR
Thanks for the videos chang.... those were amazing and just made me stronger on my opinion that this was, is, will be the best castlevani song in the series, i hope they include this one in Order of Echlessia, and also come up with MORE new ones
Well i haven't played any of the N64 castlevanias, so i can't say much about its music or the game itself. But seriously whoever says that Wicked Child is not better than bloody tears or any of the songs in castlevania has serious problems, and desrves to have its brain washed. LOL jk
oh c'mon stairway is not that amazing, there is no reall epic sound to it. Unlike Wicked Child, i wished they used that song in another game, the NES version is still FAR better than the version from Castlevania Chronicles
ok so from the first castlevania from the NES which othe soundtracks have been reused in other castlevania games beside Vampire Killer, i certainly would like to here the song from the 3rd stage. I hope they have that song in Order of Echlesia
I voted for DoS, it had a very nice sound track. Specially in jullius mode i loved the chapel's music and the fight with soma had the best boss fight music i have heard since LoI. Aria had a nice sounstrack too but since bloody tears is in Dawn i had to go for it either that or heart of fire from aria
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