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Happy Singles Appreciation Day

AKA Valentines day. Yes, its that time of year again when lovey dovey people go out and show their affection for that special person. Or, that time of year when you sit around eating chocolate, posting on Gamespot, playing video games and crying in the shower.

Well, I'm not doing much of either today. It's been good so far, my bass is finally repaired, turned out to be problems with the pick ups. I'm sure that it's time for an upgrade, I feel like I've mastered the workings of the 4 string and want to elevate the challenge, but in due time. Also downloaded the first 4 Cannibal Corpse albums. So far my favourite is of course Tomb of The Mutilated as well as The Bleeding. Later on tonight I'm going over to my friends house (you know, the one I went with to look at dresses and got me the Clockwork Orange poster) to watch The Lord of The Flies as I cant be bothered reading the book for school. :P My parents are a bit suss, seeing as it is valentines day and all, but its just funny coincendance. Apart from that, not much to talk about. Till next time.

That Which Once Was.

j0 all. Not much happening. School is the same as always, I'm digging these spare periods I have thursday arvos. Today I went past the local shopping centre and did 2 things.

1. My original purpose was to put in a preorder for MadWorld on the Wii. Deposited 20 bucks and only gotta pay an extra 45 when it comes out. Hows that eh? Pretty cheap if I say so myself.

2. I promised myself I wouldnt buy anything else, but this was just too cool not to buy, and on sale for $30.

For those who cant read the back, it says:

"Faeries Die
Friends Die
You Die The Same Way Yourself
But Odhinns Splendour
Will Never Die
In Honourable Posthumous Fame"

Badass, yes?

A Cornered Beast is Dangerous.

Isnt it, though?

Okay, no one will know what I'm talking about, so down to business. Miss me much? Well, thank the mods of OT for sending me on a ten day vacation. Apparently abortion isnt as funny as it used to be, but I have returned. "What did I do in my time off from Gamespot?" I hear you ask. Well thats what this blog is for.

1. I downloaded. A lot. Heres a list of what I downloaded and what I am still downloading:

Music (all finished)

Blackfield II - Blackfield
When All is Said - Edge of Sanity
With Teeth - Nine Inch Nails
Pretty Hate Machine - Nine Inch Nails
I - Nightingale
Alive Again - Nightingale
Invisible - Nightingale
The Closing Chronicles - Nightingale
White Darkness - Nightingale
The Breathing Shadow - Nightingale
Nightfall Overture - Nightingale
199X (Demo) - Nightingale
A New Morning, Changing Weather - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
A Small Demand EP - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Armed Love - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Bigger Cages, Longer Chains - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Black Mask EP - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Capitalism Stole My Virginity EP - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Live At Oslo Jazz Festival - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Live EP - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Smash It Up! EP - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Survival Sickness - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
The First Conspiracy - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
The Reproduction of Death EP- The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Up For Sale EP - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Your Choice Live Series - The (International) Noise Conspiracy
The Codex Necro - Anaal Nathrakh
Total ******* Necro - Anaal Nathrakh
When Fire Rains Down From The Sky - Anaal Nathrakh
Domine Non es Dignus - Anaal Nathrakh
Eschaton - Anaal Nathrakh
Hell is Empty, And All The Devils Are Here - Anaal Nathrakh
The Machinations of Dementia - Blotted Science

Thats right, I downloaded the full discography of 3 bands. Well worth the waits :P Also for my brother I am currently downloading the first 12 episodes of Gokusen (Turbo should know what this is)

1. School started again. Year 11 this year and time for VCE. I have decided to finally take school seriously for once in my life and am doing homework and paying attention and trying instead of doing nothing and passing with great marks. My subjects for the year are:

Literature/English (semester of each, currently doing Literature)
International Politics
20th Century History

Yes, no math. And despite what people believe *coughIDIOTScough* I can get into a university (my preferrance is Melbourne) without math (last I checked Philosophy and Literature are english/humanity based, not math)

3. My bass guitar is busted again, should take a week to fix. This time I dont know what it is, its not like any problems I've had before. My dad and teacher both say its probably time for an upgrade, which after 18 months sounds probably right. Currently looking at the Schecter Damien 5-String as a possibility ($1000 for those curious of the price). Apart from that just been jamming on the electric, playing Porcupine Tree and some Edge of Sanity.

Not much else really. As usual I am reading MegaTokyo, playing Counter Strike Source and so forth. Bought Clerks the other day on DVD. Be prepared.


It is one of, if not the best film I have seen in the past 2 or 3 months. It shat all over Spawn, but that isnt too hard, Spawn was a piece of crap and a disgrace to the comic book/cartoon.

Anyway, I'll try and not get suspended for a while, 10 days is a long time and I didnt really have much else to do, but I found ways to keep myself busy. Till then, you're gonna carry that weight. (points to whoever knows what I'm on about)

Who knew dresses were so exhausting?

I got suspended yesterday, but I didnt mind because not too long after reading the message did the friend I went to see Benjamin Button with ask me if I would go with her to St Kilda to look at dresses for her Deb(utante). Now I bet you're asking "But freek, why would you? She isn't you're girlfriend and you usually dislike formal events", but due to recent circumstances I have now become her back up partner in the event that her original partner sorta screws it up. And so I went with her and gave her my opinion on the dresses she tried on. What I find ironic is that I am the last person on Earth you should ask for an opinion on what looks good. My idea of getting all dressed up is putting a shirt over my t-shirt, or a jacket. But alas, away I was.

It wasn't an easy trip mind you. The gods were against me for the first 2 or so hours because as soon as the train moved, I got a severe pain in the stomach and realised that I badly needed to use the bathroom. And so I endured a 50 or so minute trip to the main station in the city (on the way there picking her up at her stop), then a half hour tram ride to Luna Park. If it wasn't for the McDonalds across from Luna Park, I'd have died. But hear me, o my brothers, it was pure bliss.

Anyway, the first place we got to turned out to be appointment only, but me being oh so lucky (I'm convinced its just skill) we were able to be squeezed in. While we waited we went to a coffee shop and chatted for a bit. By the time we finished it was time to go back, so we left post haste. And then we realised, we had not paid for the drinks! After she finished trying on the dresses, liking one in particular and repeatedly asking "is that the one?" and "does it look good?" to which I repeatedly replied "I think so" and "yes", we went back and payed for the coffee which we stole.

After that we went back to where she went looking for a dress the day before, and we also stopped at another place. It was pretty trashy, and the woman thought we were getting married. We are 16 years old and my friend doesn't look pregnant, so I dont know how the thought got there. Anyway we eventually got to the nice place where she tried on the same dress as the day before and I told her what I thought, which was that she looked beautiful in it. She looked pleased and so put in a deposit. We then got some lunch, and I caught a bus home.

But my day doesn't end there, o my brothers. I just returned from the hospital and it appears that my Grandmother has a broken hand/wrist. Lets see how it turns out tomorrow when she goes back to the hospital and we will see if she needs surgery.

Anyway it was nice to talk, havent done a blog like this is a while. Cheers.

David Bowie did too many drugs.

That was the conclusion I came to last night/this morning after watching a compilation of his music videos. Amazing peformer though. On a different note, I need to start going to bed earlier. I've got to go to school again and sleeping from 4am to 2 PM wont work.

What a lovely devotchka.

Today I went with a friend to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. She had already seen it, and I wanted to see The Wrestler but Mickey Rourke scares her apparently so we saw Benjamin Button. Overall it was a great film. It was reminiscent of Forrest Gump the way it was presented and it even managed to get me teary eyed at times, which is rare in films. Us being good friends and all, we look out for each other and occasionally exchange gifts. I own the 3 Dexter books, and she has been wanting to read them, so instead of lending it I bought her the first book, which actually surprsied her. She got me something I would deem just as great.

Aw yeah 8) I dig Beethoven, dont know about the other two. :P