Now, I could go into a full review of what I did from 4PM till 12AM last night at the Call of Duty: World at War Launch Party I attended with friends, which was basically playing it on 360, downing a Redbull and 30 minutes later down 4 (free) V's in under 5 (on later review, maybe 3) minutes and also playing GH3, but I feel that I can sum up the whole night with just one photo.
freek666 Blog
The Phoenix Rises To Paint The Town
by freek666 on Comments
Today was my mum's 22nd anniversary of her 21st birthday (;)) and my brother and I went to JB Hi Fi to get her something even though she said she didnt want anything (isn't that always the way with women. When they say they dont want anything, they actually do, and when they say nothing is wrong, everything is wrong, and when they say everything is wrong, EVERYTHING IS WRONG! points to whoever gets the reference).
Anyway, we got her some CD by a singer named Duffy which apparently she seems to like, the first two seasons of Grumpy Old Women and Volver, but shes already seen/got it so that will be returned. While we were there though, something caught my eye. Something so magnificent that my heart skipped a beat.
This is the only hard copy of a Destroyer 666 cd I have ever been able to find, and I dont care if it was $8 more than what I was originally going to get (Embodiment by Sculptured, definately check them out if you like experiment/progressive death metal. It features guys from Agalloch), it was worth it. It doesnt matter that I already had the album downloaded, this was just too good to be true. So I bought it. Then, something else caught my eye.
For a measley $64, it was mine. I have played through the first two levels and despite my control always losing connection for some reason, its extremely fun. It's a must have for those OCD people who must always complete every little thing, like myself. Although I'm kinda lazy in colouring in all the trees, I decided to liberate all the Raydians.
Controls are pretty slick, albeit flicking the wiimote gets a little stale and the camera angle sorta stuffs up. Not many other complaints so far. The gameplay is quite fresh yet repetitive and the challenges are a little on the easy side. The only time de Blob failed was when my brother failed to colour all the billboards, which he had like 1:30 to do. Should complete it by Sunday I think.
Expect a review of both CD and game soon, probably end of the week.
And one last thing.
Twas Not To Be
by freek666 on Comments
Well the jamming session didnt happen due to unforseen circumstances, but I dont mind. Recently we have been preparing the house for renovations and I was happy to help my dad in the removal of trees, plants and blue stone. On Wednesday the builders start building a new veranda, then they build the carport and future works include a new kitchen, bathroom and bricking off some stuff.
Also my father and I have agreed that sometime next year we will convert under the house into a music/recording room for me to let my musical creativity go wild. This will also help with future band recordings seeing as a proper studio can cost thousands and I can just make one for a few hundred bucks. Along with my current project Exit Light, I will also be doing some independant stuff, similiar to that of black metal icons Burzum and Xasthur, or more for my dad to relate with, Mike Oldfield.
I'm excited at the idea of doing my own stuff where I'm not held back by anyone else, but theres also the issue of learning other instruments. I'm already an okay drummer due to my ability to play things by ear, though the theoretical knowledge is lacking, and I am pathetic at guitar seeing as I am pick dyslexic. But we shall see around this time next year.
Also in relation to music on friday we were able to use the music room to play some stuff. Twisted14 was there and if you read his blogs he mentioned an incident in which he played guitar quite crappily. Well this time he was actually really good, playing songs like Motorbreath by Metallica and even Eruption by Van Halen which even stunned the other guitarist there. There were 2 other friends there but they mainly watched or messed on drums.
Along with playing (crappy, out of tune) bass, I played some drums and even without a bass drum (damn protector thing) I managed to play a basic version of the intro to Orion by Metallica. Sounded pretty cool and I got a good feel for the drums. Still a crap guitarist though :P
Currently listening to: The Lodge by Agalloch.
Exit Light on Wiki!
by freek666 on Comments
We are just that amazing! *dunno if it is still there, check if you want*
First band practice and other other... curious things.
by freek666 on Comments
This Sunday shall be a day that will go down in history. I am even going to put it into the Wikipedia page for November 2nd. It will be the first jamming session of Exit Light. It's confirmed that both the drummer and guitarist are interested and the drummer has been working on stuff for the riffs I sent him. Hopefully it all goes well.
Onto other... curious things. I have started reading The Mysterious Stranger and I am into about half of it. It is rather interesting and is currently attacking the human's "Moral Sense". It is quite an interesting read I should be able to get more in tonight. I mightve finished by now, but a certain friend on MSN had to defy my PM saying "Not here, reading" and that my status was away.
Currently listening to: Carnage in the Temple of the Damned by Deicide from their self titled debut album.
Suspended Again.
by freek666 on Comments
1 day my arse, that was like 2 days. Got suspended for posting a pic of a Cradle of Filth t shirt. Oh well, I was sure I would be modded but it took them a while.
Exit Light (my band for those not yet informed) is starting to come together more so. I have put down some bass lines and I'm working with my drummer so he can put down some beats to it. I gave him a basis of what I was looking for and I told him to take it from there. Here's hoping that it works out good. Also we might be getting together this long weekend (Melbourne Cup weekend, woo!) with the guitarist if he is still interested. Also the drummer might know a guitarist who is interested, so lets see.
I'm going to start reading Mark Twain's story "The Mysterious Stranger" soon, I just want to print it off soon (yes I am pirating a book). For those who have no idea what its about, heres a bit of a taste of what its like.
100th blog and Future Body Art.
by freek666 on Comments
First off it's my 100th blog, and what a better topic to do it on than body art, in particular tattoo's, and my own choice of future tattoos that I will get in little over 2 years time.
Now, some people are against tattoo's, saying that you are going to disfigure yourself with them, they stick with you for life, etc etc. I have been wanting a tattoo since I was 8 years old, and I continue to want several. However, I must wait till I ma 18 till I can get one, but thats cool. I must also wait till I finish school to grow my hair out, but thats also cool. I dont mind. But the thought of having a long haired, tattoo'd man for a son is starting to scare and somewhat disappoint my mum, but I dont really care. Now onto my future tattoo's. See, I wanted most of them to be tributes to things that are important or big parts of my life. I will list them in the most likely order of getting them done.
1. My dog Tofu's actual pawprint on my top left shoulder with his name written beneath. The reason for this is that for as long as I could remembered I wanted a dog, and when I recieved one it was the happiest day of my life, and I absolutely adore my dog. I would sooner save him than some of the people I know and would call "friends".
2. The Triforce on my left hand. The Legend of Zelda is my favourite franchise and what got me into gaming. I love the series and this is my tribute to gaming and of course the legenderary franchise.
3. A bass cleff on my left wrist. Playing bass has really become my passion now, and I plan on passing it on to my future children. My first bass teacher, Malcolm, had a similar tattoo, and I feel this is an expression of how dedicated I am to my music.
4. The face of Cliff Burton as a skull on my left bicep. Cliff is my idol, he was a bass god before his time was cut short. On his right bicep he had a Misfits fiend skull tattoo'd there, so this is a tribute to my idol in a similar fashion.
5. The big one, and possibly my last one. A full right arm sleeve of Hell as I would percieve it. It will be gruesome, it will be haunting, it will be awesome. The inspiration for this came from two Slayer album covers.
Hell Awaits.
And Reign in Blood
Basically, imagine my entire arm orange and red in a similar fashion to Hell Awaits, but with more going's on, similar to Reign In Blood.
Well, what do you think of my future body art? Any disagreements with my choice to mark myself for life?
My Pasty Glow.
by freek666 on Comments
I've just woken up after spending my night at The Hub's Lock In, and it was pretty cool. I arrived at 11, but all the good computers with COD4, Crysis, etc, were already taken, so Twisted14 and I took the somewhat crappier ones. Before I continue, I would like to say that it hurts to type because certain digits got an extreme work out last night, in particular my left ring finger.
Anyway, most of the morning was spent playing Half Life 2: Deathmatch, where we would just shoot crap at each other, or I would beat him to death with the stun stick. :P Other games played were Day of Defeat: Source, which with 2 people kinda sucks, CS 1.6, CS:S and Portal. Fun game Portal, I havent played a good puzzle game in a while.
The experience came to an end at around 8:00 when pretty much everyone except us and a few other guys were still around, and then I left at around 8:45 or so, got some McDonalds breakfast and went home. I ate and came onto the laptop before snoozing till now.
On a side note, its day light savings time again, so I dunno if I'm meant to be adding an hour to those times or what because I dunno if the clock at The Hub was changed. Oh well. :P
Locked In!
by freek666 on Comments
Tomorrow night I will attend a lock in at the local Hub. For those not familiar with the term, Lemmy explain. You put in a deposit (I dont have to due to my good friend Twisted14, whom I will be attending with, having his cousing owning The Hub, an internet cafe for those not again familiar) of $12.50 and then at 12 midnight you show up, pay the other $12.50, and then from 12 AM to 9 AM you are locked in and you can do whatever you want, whether thats play Crysis, Warcraft, CS 1.6 or Source, COD4, etc etc. So tomorrow night will be ******* awesome! As said, I will be going with Twisted14 and it should be a blast. I'm gonna need to buy a fair amount of V and Red Bull to keep me going though :P
Holidays are nearly over and I have done no homework, but I will get onto it tomorrow and Sunday. I just have a maths assignment to do, 6 pages work of questions but they are fairly easy, an essay on some issue that I am interested in (might find something to do with Metal seeing as I did my oral presentation on it and got a great mark) and find some things that make me proud to be Australian or something (I was thinking Destroyer 666's song "Australian and Anti Christ", which funnily enough doesnt mention anything about Australia :P)
And also, this will be the final blog where I ever refer to the readers as space cowboys, or whatever. I've decided to go out with an image from the preview of the next MegaTokyo comic. (on a side note, finally found a place that sells MT, BOOYA!)
They Call Me The Working Man, I Guess That's Where I Lie.
by freek666 on Comments
Well even though I dont have a proper job, I have been working. For my dad and his business that is. The job you ask? Road works, mainly working on pit's, valves and stormwaters. See, no one else in the state of Victoria was doing it apart from councils, and they didnt do it often, so my father took it up and currently monopolises pretty much 100% of the workload in Victoria, working as far as Mildura. It's my second of five days so far and I am getting payed which isnt bad.
Yesterday I went with him to the yard at 6:00 AM and at 6:30 left with 2 of his workers, who are Samoan (so is the other 95% of the workers lol). Really great guys too, and funny as hell. We had to fill in some holes with cement and replace some grates for a drain, which was hard, and then take some photos of future pits. Today, everyone was working inside the West Gate Bridge (yes, inside, for it is hollow) and you need a special pass. I did not go for:
1. I did not have said pass
2. My mum, who is the book keeper for the business, would freak.
So I stayed in the yard and cleaned up a bit. So far I have put in 12 hours of work and at $15 an hour, its not looking too bad. Tomorrow I continue to work around the yard, this time with my fathers cousin who is like the maintenance guy, before going out for some concreting (I think)
Anyway thats all, see you space workers.
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