freek666 Blog
My Slow Transformation into an Indie Kid/Hipster
by freek666 on Comments
Its quite scary.
I've the urge to get in shape, wear lighter clothing, wear skinny/tight jeans and even, god forbid, get one of those fringes happening.
This is scary for me.
A Blog About Whatever
by freek666 on Comments
Been a while since I wrote a blog about my life and that sort of stuff. Some of you who had kept in contact with me between October and February basically know pretty much what I have been up to, what I've seen and done. But for the rest of you it hasn't been as such.
It was a funny thing being banned. I lurked a bit, saw that I had two threads about it (one on AU and one on OT) with a reasonable amount of posts. I always laugh at the good old "sig/avy?" and "who?". Wasn't surprised by the amount of "he had it coming" responses. I was surprised that users like Foxhound_Fox, someone who I quoted on occasion (mainly in SW especially regarding Muramasa) but rarely spoke to, actually appeared to know my situation. I wasn't hugely popular on OT like other Australian's like D3nnyCrane (although he was a NZer iirc) and biggest_loser, but people knew me and it was nice to see their e-mourning. People say they don't care about that stuff when they get banned, but it was nice. Those who I expected to said their RIP's and all that cal, and so I was off. To those who have mourned and welcomed me back, I thank you.
I ran my forum, Freek's Lounge, for most of that time. It's been through quite a bit, through when Twisted14 and I first set it up, to the first 5 members (COD4ME, mlisen (now banned himself), Locked1089, COD4_Shinedown and TicTac8745, in that order) who really helped establish the site and get word out to other users, to the first influx of new and more users, the creation and destruction of more boards (some more exceptional than others), a few users leaving us, the creation of the Lounge Mods to keep things under control, me suspending Agent (remember him AUers?) for laughs every now and then and so and so forth. It has been great and I hope it can continue running for a long time to come. For everyone who has helped built it up from the start to those keeping it running it, I thank you.
I really don't know where to go from here. I've got Year 12 this year, 2ez. I'm still addicted to HoN :P. There really isn't much to talk about now.
Soiya Space Cowboy.
5 Greatest Moments of My Life
by freek666 on Comments
1. Getting my dog, Tofu.
2. Seeing Porcupine Tree live, in Sydney, last night.
3. Being concieved.
4. Being born.
5. Discovering Porcupine Tree.
This Again?
by freek666 on Comments
Ah the tagging chain thingo that was big a year ago and is now back for whatever the reason may be. So here we go
1. I run and manage my own forum site known as Freek's Lounge which is primarily made up of Gamespot Australia members who were originally part of a union I was leader for and I shut it down due to us being put on notice for our behaviour, as well as myself who was on final notice about my behaviour at this site. Currently at 20 something members and appears to be thriving.
2. I'm addicted to Heroes of Newerth so badly that I am behind on my subjects and exams are next week.
3. I've planned my main story that I will be writing (and hoping to get published) and its prequel and the next 4 sequels, but haven't even started. Hope to do so soon though.
4. I've spent more money on books than anything else this year such as games, CD's or DVD's.
5. I scored 32/35 for an RE oral presentation I gave while under the influence of marijuana, during which I said "nukes make awesome explosions" and "the holocaust was bad, but, you know".
What Frequency Will Liberate You?
by freek666 on Comments
I might not be posting as much nowadays, but for those from the Metal Union, those who know me in OT and of course my fellow Aussies will see me from time to time.
The Spice Must Flow!
by freek666 on Comments
I shall be absent from tomorrow through to Sunday (or for you Yanks and Europeans, Tuesday to Saturday), going on a logn overdue fishing trip. Hopefully we get a couple of Yellow Belly.
Freek is ******* Dead
by freek666 on Comments
I refuse to delete posts that may warrant moderations.
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