They used the wrong part of Portal as a heartbreak! *Spoiler* (as if theyhaven't already spoiled portal) The worst heartbreak in Portal was where you were forced to kill Companion Cube, not the part of Glados. I felt bad killing that cube, but was pretty happy destoying Glados.
I don't really care much for the easy gamerscore, I think its awesome to get gamerpoints from harder games, that way when somebody sees the stuff you've accomplished on the game, it won't look like you took the easy way out.
Although I agree with Half Life Episode 2, Burnout 5, and SuperSmash Bros Brawl. It does seem to be missing a few key guaranteed to be awesome games like MG04, GTA4, Motorstorm!
Who cares about the price right now. Playstation is good about having their systems out for quite a while. I bet by the time the PS3 is retired there will be at least 3 new X-Box's. Remeber there was the XBox and the 360 that came out from the start of PS2 to now, and the PS3 hasn't come out yet! With that in mind, whats more expensive 1 PS3 or 3 X-Box's, keep in mind that some XBox's tend to burn your house down. (On the other hand Nintendo is always up to something)
frogiggy323's comments