Well, Gamespot released it's little list of creep games that got everyone hopping mad with missed games and the lack of their personal favorites at the top. I shared in that a bit, but figured, I'm gonna post my own list. So, without further ado.
10 - Resident Evil
Honestly never played more than 10 minutes of this Playstation trademark horror, but the dogs smashing the windows and the rather disturbing cut scene of trying to leave the mansion through the front door disturbed me into never playing it again at the age of 13.
9 - The Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall
I had a demo of this game since I was 10 and the dar, monster groan echoing tunnels of the dungeons and the isolated wastes of 'beyond the city walls' was enough to make me take on the task of thievery within the first town and nothing more.
8 - Serious Sam
I know it wasn't designed to really be a horror FPS, but the dark temples combined with those sinister galloping skeletons didn't inspire bravery in me. I'd take the battle at the two lesser pyramids on hard any day over those underground levels.
7 - American McGee's Alice
A twist on a fairy tale I never expected. Never played it til last year, and I have to say, that was demented enough to go straight into my imagination and weird me out. I'd say Marge the Hare and Door Mouse were about the worst of what I'd seen in the game... That and the children....
6 - Sanitarium
The spookiness of this game wore off a bit toward the end of the 2nd dream, but it was enough to set the twisted stage. From the floating corpses in the flood water around the Circus of Fools to the grossly deformed children under 'Mother's' influence, this game will tie into your mind and try to pull a little of that insanity out into the open.
5 - Resident Evil 4
This game had most of the spooky air of it's predecessors, but seemed to have more action to it. However, that did not take away from the eeriness of the first stormy night in that village or the inexplicable tension of sneaking around the blind, bladed knuckles giants as they turned this way and that, listening for you. All in all? I really should have turned on some lights before it got dark that first night...
4 - Dead Space
Just picked this game up a couple days ago and am really havin trouble getting very far. Living alone in the middle of nowhere really makes games of this caliber of creepiness a hard task. I'd have to say that the whisperings in the quiet of an empty room are enough to put me over the edge.
3 - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
It has a sanity meter! Need I say more? (I'm gonna anyway) This game messes with your head WAY too much to be legal! Not just ingame hallucinations and imaginary events, but simulated television and game malfunctions make you wonder just how alone you actually are in your darkened bedroom.
2 - Doom 3
Good god, the instant scares this game delivers are enough to drain the blood from your limbs and make your heart skip more than just one beat. The dark and desolate atmosphere of a Mars research facility is punctuated violently by vicious and light speed demon attacks from behind closed doors and maintenance shafts. You haven't played this? You call yourself a gamer?!
1 - Penumbra Series
A completely accidental find that appealed both to my self destructive desire to be terrified and my empty little wallet. Little did I know that behind those less than state of the art graphics lay the most terrifying game I've ever played. Never in my life have I really wished a game had a 'turn back and let me die in the cold rather than down here' button. I literally hid in a storage crate in one of the more 'watched' storage rooms and considered never leaving. This game truly sets the bar for horror games.
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