Let this thread DIE!
full_disclosure's forum posts
Paid trolls coming out of the wood work on all kinds of forums pushing this. They want to do this is what that tells me. But they won't risk it unless they can win over a bigger chunk of people.
I'm sure buying out gamestop/starting a competitor type store etc has been looked into. But this way they can screw everyone instantly and make more money. Or so they seem to think! I'm guessing it will blow up in their face. I know I spend big money on games and I will never give MS, Sony, Activition, or EA a dime in any area again if they pull this. I'm betting these are the main 4 culprits.in fact its realy simple if big publisher want used game money they just have to start their own gamestop kind of store.
[QUOTE="full_disclosure"]A used game for $5-8 is an old game and not an impact, the big problem is walking into Gamestop and the associate tries to talk you into saving a few bucks by buying the used version. No way that's even an issue. Most people don't pinch pennies between 55 and 60 dollars. Used games that drop under 30 bucks is were most of the sells are. I've shopped at gamestop countless times and the most they say is "would u want it used for cheaper" or something along those lines. If you say no that's the end of it every time. I'm curious as to why you're so for this? You've been arguing for blocked games for like 15 pages. Why care about MS, Sony, Activition, EA possibly getting a few more million?I bet 85% of those arguing for used game blocks are paid trolls. As a buyer it's pure loonisy to support this. I can't tell you how many times I've bought a game used for dirt cheap (5-8 bucks)and then turned around and bought the sequel new because I loved it. Games I never would have tried at full price or even 20-30 dollars. This approach will kill revenue not generate it.
I bet 85% of those arguing for used game blocks are paid trolls. As a buyer it's pure loonisy to support this. I can't tell you how many times I've bought a game used for dirt cheap (5-8 bucks)and then turned around and bought the sequel new because I loved it. Games I never would have tried at full price or even 20-30 dollars. This approach will kill revenue not generate it.
It's amazing how ignorant some kids r these days. The big wigs have brain washed them well it seems. If you're going to adopt this mentality then never sell anything second hand ever again. Have a new computer and want to sell ur own....nope you are not kicking back to the billion dollar profiting company that made it. Have a car you better keep it til it's burger. Wouldn't want Honda to get their feelings hurt. This whole thought process is the worst slave mentality I've witnessed in my life.
PS I guess we should do away with pawn shops and used car dealerships too!
You're talking about other peoples ignorance and yet you don't even realize that the examples you're using as the basis for your argument aren't even applicable. Houses, cars, etc are not the same as digital content. Those things have a finite lifecycle and degrade over time. When you buy a car you purchase, essentially, all the miles that will be driven on this car (for example 200,000). If you sell it after 100,000, you're essentially selling the remaining 100,000 to somebody else. However, the car will eventually run out of miles (break down) and a new car will have to be purchased. Thus when you sell your car and someone buys it used, you aren't costing the dealership any money as eventually this car will be replaced with a new one. Same thing for houses and other products with finite lifecycles.Â
Now, digital content is, essentially, infinite in it's lifecycle. When you sell a game, someone else is buying something that has zero degradation to it, it's just as good as new and thus the original company loses a sale because the money for the used game gave went to someone else.
One new game can be purchased and resold 99 more times. Now 100 people have played the game and the company who made it only saw money from one of those sales.
Used games are a cancer to the console gaming industry, if you can't see this then you've failed to think things through.
I firmly believe that if the used games market were eliminated you'd see profits go up for those that make the games and the prices of games come down MUCH faster than they currently do. Just look at steam, developers love having their games go on sale because their profits skyrocket with the influx of revenue as a result of the increased sales.
This is business 101, it's sad so few can see it.
Games don't degrad in value? The hell you say! Well I have a copy of Super mario brothers to sell for 60 bucks! I promise I'll send 20 to nintendo. You r ridiculously weak minded. Dics degrade, graphics, sound quality, control mechanics tec etc become out date. You r either a paid troll or you're kidding yourself! I lol at your thought that prices will come down faster. With all that power in so few hands u think prices will get better hahaha. First of all that's shown in countless situations to be false. Not only that they want to do this to make MORE profits. You think they'll turn around and give it back? This isn't digital if they r selling me physical copies of something. DLC is a bit different but it's still not infinite. The system u use to access it will eventually breakdown or be replaced. in 10 years you expect to have all the DLC (games, moves, whatever) to be supported on the new system then. Guess what it won't.Bad analogies. I'm torn between consumer rights and the people who made the games but cars wear out. A car is going to last a certain amount of mileage, doesnt matter whether it had 1 or multiple owners. Same with computers, components eventually fail. Number of owners is irrelavent again.I have games in my library that are 10 12 years old. The don't play like they did when they were new. I take damn good care of them too. Saying game discs don't get wear and tear is just ridiculous. But forget all that..... I can't believe that people r so pathetically weak minded that they r willing to buy something that will be instantly worthless. The concept is pure and utter horse $%#@ for anyone with half a brain cell![QUOTE="full_disclosure"]
It's amazing how ignorant some kids r these days. The big wigs have brain washed them well it seems. If you're going to adopt this mentality then never sell anything second hand ever again. Have a new computer and want to sell ur own....nope you are not kicking back to the billion dollar profiting company that made it. Have a car you better keep it til it's burger. Wouldn't want Honda to get their feelings hurt. This whole thought process is the worst slave mentality I've witnessed in my life.
PS I guess we should do away with pawn shops and used car dealerships too!
It's amazing how ignorant some kids r these days. The big wigs have brain washed them well it seems. If you're going to adopt this mentality then never sell anything second hand ever again. Have a new computer and want to sell ur own....nope you are not kicking back to the billion dollar profiting company that made it. Have a car you better keep it til it's burger. Wouldn't want Honda to get their feelings hurt. This whole thought process is the worst slave mentality I've witnessed in my life.
PS I guess we should do away with pawn shops and used car dealerships too!
I don't care about buzz, rumours, or wether or not MS cares. If they force me to connect to the net to play or watch movies I won't even consider their console as an option. if they give me an activation code to play the game rendering the game worthless upon purchase I won't consider their console an option. I'll always be a diehard gamer that spends $1,000's each gen. But I will not let these lines be crossed.....EVER. It'll be the same if Sony tries this stupid arrogant crap too!
I buy all my games new, so doesn't affect me.ImBatman-Yes it still does. Ever decide to sell something with no value? It doesn't work out well! Instant having no value after purchase is an absolute scam. Any company that does this or promotes this should be instantly boycotted! How low r you willing to kneel for your entertainment?
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