I wanted to like this game I really did. But they just did everthing wrong! The single player story seems forced and pulled out of their a$$. The multiplayer has soooo much lag and just flatout cheap crap it's worthless and Spartan Ops is just pathetic. Spartan Ops and sp can be forgiven but multiplayer is where this game is suppose to shine! Watching a kill cam or 2 will show you how rediculous this games hit detecting is. Every other game lags in game breaking fashion. it's just flatout a broken piece of trash. reach had a few issues but nothing even close to this scale. Â Being a halo fan since day 1 of Combat Evolved it's a heart wrenching experience. I give 343 to the end of the year to fix most of these issues or Halo will just be a memory for me.
full_disclosure's forum posts
Hell yeah! Rome was one of the all time greats. My PC will die trying to run it however. Hopefully It will be a year from now and I can get a set up going.
Then reason is because they r smarter then the other 2. They have 0 problem stealing ideas from the competition and they use better strategies. Kinect took Ninendos innovation and made it more versatile and better. Then they basically have said screw new exclusive ip's and r focusing on exclusive dlc to bring the multiplatform sales in.
Sound ridiculous? Like the world carbon tax that's completely real? Charging u for air will probably happen at some point the way things are heading.Heh, the whole charging for online reminds me of the movie "Space Balls" where Mel Brooks was charging people clean air to breath.
I personally don't mind the year charge. Xbox live is my favorite net service by far. But the overpriced everything else on there disturbs me! An example is charging $20 for a game I can get for $5 or less elsewhere. or like DLC for say oblivion that u could get for $5 in the game of the year edition. Costs u near $50 if gotten off xbl. that kind of crap is BS!
Had the backwards dragon glitch. Funny and it's only been one location so not that bad. The resistance failure is pissing me off tremendously. I'm a nord with 87% resistence to frost over 100% in fire and over 50% in shock. Also 45% resistant to magic. I went from untouchable vs dragons to having to work at it again. I'm freakin lvl 61 though. My wife at level 36 just started to fight the tougher dragons. They r destorying her with little effort. It's almost game breaking! They better fix it fast.
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