@darkhunterix: Well thank you for being respectful about it. Our opinions clearly differ on the matter but it's always nice to have an adult conversation.
@darkhunterix: Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's been perfect. I am also very disappointed in the lack of first party content compared to PS4, still pissed that they closed down Lionhead. I'll give credit to Don for KI and Sunset Overdrive, but that's about all he did positive for the XB1. Besides two titles, all I saw from Don was the downfall of Rare, Kinect, ruining Halo and Gears, and a very anti consumer XB1... then he left it in that state instead of fixing it. Phil had to come in and reverse all the anti consumer stuff, thankfully got rid of Kinect, created the 1X to help fix the power gap, and in 2017 he became the head of gaming, not just xbox, and he acquired a bunch of studios and created one to hopefully fix the first party content problem. I personally love the fact that he's pushing PC gaming now and I think GP is amazing value, that's subjective though, as are the games we've gotten. For example I know the general public doesn't care for SoT, but it's a very niche game and Rare at least got to make what they wanted to instead of being forced to make Kinect Sports and avatar clothes.
So I guess to summarize, Phil in my opinion is definitely not perfect but I still much prefer him over Don.
By the way in the case of Gears 4 (which I loved), I don't believe Don had anything to do with it. He created Black Tusk to work on a mysterious IP but when the Gears IP was acquired from Epic, Phil needed a studio to continue the franchise. Since they didn't have very many at the time he asked Black Tusk if they wanted to continue their project or become the Gears guys and now we have The Coalition. I hope they at one point return to it, would like to see what it would've been.
As long as you're hiring people based on their credentials and not genetalia, I am all for that gap closing naturally. If it doesn't, that just how it be sometimes.
@Pyrosa: I feel like that would actually hurt the possible population. If they made it it's own thing it wouldn't have to be tied to a main games mechanics and it also wouldn't have to follow the main series release schedule, meaning they wouldn't have to make a new BR for each entry. Release it once then just keep supporting it. It would have to be free if it wanted to compete with the likes of Fortnite and Apex too. Obviously that means mtx but it'd be worth it.
I would not want a BR in H6. If they did BR, I'd want it to be a standalone title and F2P. BR isn't something you can just throw in as a mode and expect it to take over the world like Fortnite and Apex have, and that should be their goal.
@analgrin: Which is great, but what's the hold up with all the other games? Hopefully they're just testing to see what it's like with those two games and if they're cool with it, we get cross-play for anything given the developer wants to implement it too.
FullySkully's comments