Doesn't look very ergonomic. I like the fact that it has paddles though, ever since the xbox elite controller came out I've been hoping all consoles moving forward will have paddles by default.
I hope they can get their pacing down better and make gameplay more interesting. Loved The Order's visuals and world but everything else was pretty lacking, hopefully they learned from their failure.
@Dark_Mits: I think there's some miscommunication/misunderstandings going on here, I hate talking via text lol
I wasn't trying to imply the other consoles exclusives aren't real exclusives. I was trying to explain what I meant was a real exclusive and just used PS4 as an example. Obviously games exclusive to the Switch for example are also real exclusives and there are some on XB1 too but from here on out xbox games will also come to PC.
Bottom line the main thing I'm trying to get across is this: I love the games that Nintendo makes, Zelda, Mario, Smash, etc. are all great franchises to me. However, for the last three generations I've found the consoles they make to be lacking compared to Microsoft and Sony. So because of this I wouldn't be sad if they stopped making consoles themselves and instead just made their great games on the other three far superior platforms available. This is all assuming Nintendo's future consoles would be inferior to Microsoft's and Sony's.
FullySkully's comments