Oh yeah, i completely forgot about mobile gaming. I'm sure there are loads of women who play games such as Angry Birds and Temple Run on their cell phones. But I'm certain that if only people who play REAL games on the PC or consoles are considered, women would hardly make up 10%.
@WolfGrey You hit the nail on the head. Gaming on the PC is the best. Nothing beats the control scheme of keyboard/mouse for most games, and for the others, you can always attach a controller. And just a few months after release, PC games become so affordable that you don't even have to bother about used games.
Good joke, buddy! Microsoft's console needs you to check in every 24 hours, restricts used games to certain extent, mandates the use of a device which constantly spies on you and is also region locked. And still you say it will be number 1? Hehehehe!
This report is either fabricated, or they are considering women who play Farmville and Cityville on Facebook as gamers. Otherwise, there is simply no way women can make up 45% of the gaming population. Being a hardcore gamer since 20 years, I have come across just TWO females who can actually be called gamers (of course I'm excluding women who play those silly Farmville/Citville class of games).
Well, Microsoft, enjoy your success while its lasts, because it won't last long. Once your draconian XBOX ONE is released, you will be nowhere in the picture! And at that point, you'll realize that you shouldn't treat your loyal customers as criminals. Sony owns your @ss for the 8th gen.
@Gamerhomer Steam doesn't sell brand new games at prices more than any other retailer/publisher, but I agree games are expensive at launch. That's the reason I never buy games at launch. I only by them when there's a sale, or when the price has dropped to half the initial launch price.
I'm sorry, I never knew that console games don't have sales such as Steam sales, because I never owned a console and hence never buy console games. I thought that these kind of sales happen with consoles too.
Yeah, I do agree that we can buy games at throw-away prices on Steam, provided we do not buy it at launch, and are willing to wait for a few months or a Steam sale.
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