Being a PC gamer, I really don't understand the fuss over used games. In case of PC games, since several years 99% of the games have to be authenticated with Steam, Origin, UPlay or something similar, which do not allow selling the games. The concept of 'used games' just do not exist for us, yet we aren't complaining. Please don't feel that I'm an XBox fanboy, because I have NEVER played games on a console after the SNES era. But I can't get all this hate against charging for used games, because we PC gamers have never had the privilege of used games since almost a decade.
Well....I have played a lot of tough games for almost 2 decades, but Dark Souls? Oh my friggin' God! Its just too tough. Maybe it was compounded by the fact that I don't really play role-playing games, and I tried this just to see what the fuss was all about.
Better game I agree, but its too damn tough, and impossible to beat by a normal human being. Only superhumans can beat Dark Souls. Its that tough. I'd take Riptide over Dark Souls any day.
Will this game be available for the PC? I remember that when the game was first announced, PC wasn't mentioned. It was only added later. Also, this site even lists Metal Gear Rising Revengeance for the PC, but it was never released. So is this game confirmed for PC?
Wow I don't understand the fuss over used games. Being a PC gamer, the concept of used games doesn't even exist for us because PC games are always tied to a particular Steam, Origin, UPlay account etc. and there's no way it can be sold again.
I guess you're using Windows 8 on a touch screen laptop or desktop, because no one in their right mind would appreciate using Windows 8 with a mouse and keyboard. Just to close an app, you need move your mouse to the top, click it and drag it down. Does it get any more ridiculous than this?
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