After hearing so many good things about the first two Fallouts, and being a big fan of Black Isle, I wanted to buy them. So I opened up Steam, searched for Fallout, and my jaw dropped when I saw the price. This game is 10 bucks! For a game released in the 90s! I could probably find both in a collection for about 5 on Ebay. But before I do that, I want to make sure that this game works in Windows 7, or if there's a compatibility patch or something. And, while not necessary, a way to run the game in widescreen.
I'm thinking of getting Bad Company 2, because I played the multiplayer demo a while back and had fun with it. Anyways, I was wondering if lots of people still play online, or if they played it for a while and went back to Counter-Strike and TF2 :P. How difficult is it to find a populated server?
Well, with steam having Borderlands and all it's DLC for 66% off, I was thinking of getting it. But, I already have it for the 360. I was wondering if Borderlands has any advantages over the 360 (except for the obvious ones, like AA and better controls). Are there any mods for the game? Or at least skins?
BTW: Steam is cleaning me out with these awesome sales!
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