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#1 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


[QUOTE="SilentlyMad"]How about Sony get out of last place before giving advice.SilentlyMad

their not 3rd place :P.. thats only USA actually, somtimes they make it second and somtimes 3rd just like the 360 while sony beat them in EU and Japan.. pretty much doing amazingly well.. USA only dosent really matter. yup cant wait for more great games from sony :)

omg so much fail in that post. 1-Yes they are last 2-No EU numbers stop acting like you know what they are 3-The 360 is also ahead in Software 4-The 360 has earned money while the PS3 has only made Sony lose money 5-360 is not only still ahead of the PS3 after all these years but the X-box brand has grown greatly in market ratio while Sony lost a great amount of the ratio

You forgot... 6-the 360 is also ahead in fail rate! ;)

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#2 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts

This topic is total fan boy crap.

First Sony is developing 3D T.V.s?...........I can buy another brand right now because they are out for sale already. Check Tiger Direct for openers.

Second it's all about developer support. To take advantage of this you will need games made for this. Look at the poor Wii owners and the crap they have been getting shoved their way.

Third Blurray now 3D. I wonder how many PS3 users really are taking advantage of Blue Ray by running a full 1080p T.V. because I know some that brag about having a Blue Ray but run it on a old tube T.V. NOW you want to introduce a 3D T.V. that people have to buy to take advantage of $70 3D game?

Dont rule out MS as a leader in console tech either. Remember when you were playing the PS2 online with your 56k modem. Xbox introduced High speed internet to consoles as well as an internal hard drive. Things that are all common place today.

Sixaxis this Sony!


The 360 has this standard? Did you just own yourself? :?

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#3 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts

It's a cheaper price upfront. And paying something in payments is much easier than paying all in one go. Sorry i would rather pay $1000 a month for a 200,000 house and end up paying 300,00 then paying 150,000 up front.


And then the housing bubble bursts and you're paying $1000 a month for a $120,000 house....Oh, sorry...Wrong thread.:P

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#4 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


Who else can see them dedicating it to a bunch of casual Natal games similar to Nintendo in 08.


You title this thread like you've got some info to back it up, but here I am and all I see is unsubstantiated negativity.

It's obvious that MS is treating natal like a new console launch: They said it themselves. That fact alone tells me that the majority of E3 will be natal based. They used X10 for all the regular games, and E3 will be devoted primarily to natal....It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Oh, and they will probably announce LBP2 coming to 360 with additional DLC. The developers will be onstage with that "corporate raped in the middle of the night" look on thier face. :P

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#5 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts



I dont buy faulty hardware. I dont care if it is a tv, blu ray, dvd player, a PC,a car, or even a housemade by any company. If it craps out on me one too many times or I hear from the media and society alike that it is faulty I wont buy it.


Exactly Ninten007,

I wouldn't even buy a toaster if it was known to be EGREGIOUSLY failure prone. If you put your hand in a fire, you're bound to get burned, right?

It's simple logic even a pre-kindergardener can understand. It's like, when did the whole planet become retarded? Did the whole world just up and go plumb crazy or something? This is precisely why People that are still buying XBOX 360's kinda disturbs me.

What i dont get is people on their 5+ xbox.

I think when people have bought 10 or 15 games for a console, it's past the point of no return. You can't really recoup all of your money by trading in; Probably why many just buy a new arcade instead. I personally have not and will not buy a 360 due to it's unreliable hardware, and I believe there is a whole other meaning to the term "jump in". Each to their own, I suppose.

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#6 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


Damn, its actually pretty sad that people are trying to downplay these great numbers, but I guess when a game cleans up GOTY awards like Uncharted 2 did its going to get a lot of hate.

Oh well back off to enjoy Uncharted 2 :D


Yep! When a game like Halo sells 10 million copies, makes a billion dollars, has a accumulative score of 96 on MC, 650,000 unique players daily, people will hate it and try and downplay its sequel! Tisk tisk. *Goes back to playing Halo 3 like he has been doing for THREE years*

Ever notice how Halo is basically the only thing lemmings can brag about...Even then it's only about the sales. Maybe Reach can win some awards and give the lems some different ammo for next year. ;)

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#7 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


Am I supposed to laugh, or somehow be touched by this? I just pity you for coming up with something so incredibly incoherent.


Now, now, my good lad, I fear you've missed the point entirely.

Well, the story could be applied to a corrupt government. However, Sony is consumer driven....:? Hmmm. Do you think the cows would buy another 360 outside the warranty? That's the question I'm wondering about. :P

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#8 furomaster_99
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After the Playstation 3 disaster? Just asking.


Wow you cant be serious...

I think the lack of 360 pushing anything forward the last few years has the lemmings worried. No GOTY or graphics awards is taking its toll....It's going to get worse as time goes on. ;)

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#9 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


[QUOTE="furomaster_99"]Oh, I get it now....You have been hanging all of your hopes on John Carmack's statements. :roll: Yes indeed....The bumble bee can't fly. Maybe he hasn't played KZ2 or U2? It's kind of funny how ND and GG slaps the taste out of Carmack"s mouth with actual games sold in a store for all to play.:lol:


Pretty much, John Carmack was formely a pc only developer his only console game was a Doom3 port on the xbox. The 360 developement is almost identical to the pc but I find it funny John Carmack even stated the PS3 has more raw processing power but a dev would have to sweat bullets to exploit that. The thing is Sonys first part devs will exploit that and it shows.

LOL you two are really that brainwashed.When did i say bumble bee cant fly?I said they are on par.RAGE looks better then KZ2,plays at two times more frame rates(at least on 360 and PC) and is open world so your idiotic statements about Carmack being only PC developer doesnt hold any weight.He is THE single best programmer in WHOLE industry,Im sure ND would be thrilled to even be mention in the same breath as him.360 is not dumbed down PC,3 cores need alot of hardwork and sweat to run great especially with 6 threads,all that saying about architecture of ps3 and other BULL*** you can take to Sony,ps2 was the same it had 2 times more flops then xbox cpu and it still was left in dust.To put it simple 1st party of Sony is only reason why UC2 and KZ2 look like that,not Cell not Rsx not memory,1st Party.

BTW Sony even sent Jon Olick(ND and Sony engineer)to help them with running it better on ps3,so we will see final result.But i know what will be,Sony promised us bu bu...Cell this and that,but soon as you accept that gpu is one responsible for what you see on screen the sooner you gonna except the fact that they are about even.

Excuse me? The ps3 is competing with itself for grapics at this point, yet you want to say that the 360 is just as powerful? Stop drinking the Carmack koolaid and look at the games. If the 360 was really that capable, Gears2 wouldn't be your graphic flagship...Oh and lemmings are going to own themselves by hyping Crysis2.

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#10 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


[QUOTE="Bus-A-Bus"] Yea whatever you say,pal.You like other cows come here often and treat 360 like its last gen.Saying ps3 exclusives this and that while the fact still remains.90% of multiplats are better on 360 and ps3 only has two games that look marginally better then some other heavy hitters this gen,AW,Metro2033,SC C,Reach and in the end Crysis 2 and RAGE prove that 360 can also have great graphics,if you are to blind to see that then i am sorry for you.

And yea,btw,i dont treat ps3 like its crap,its just that from cows stand of point ps3 is supercomputer and from non biased gamer with hardware knowledge is about equal ans 360,only thing setting them apart is sonys 1st party.


Those games have hit the shelves? You've played them and can verify the 360 superiority? It's all wishful thinking...Go study the tech sheets and scratch your head some more.

Ok you have to games that look better but that didnt stop you year ago to say they look like they are gonna beat all 360 exclusives.I wont bother you with tech,here Jon Carmack "the collection" :D

"Yeah, I mean that's our position that it's almost unequivocal across the board that the 360 is a better platform to develop for. When you get down into actual comparisons on the hardware performance characteristics, it's not quite an apples to apples comparison. On almost anything on the strictly graphical side, in terms of pushing vertexes and triangles on there, the 360 hardware is superior to the PS3's RSX on there."

"...the only thing Sony has going for them over the 360, is the data storage on the blu-ray..."

"...the only real advantage that the PS3 has over the 360, from our point of view, is the extra space."

"And the other major difference is the memory partitioning. Where they're both 512mb machines, but on the PS3 it's partitioned into 256mb of video and 256mb of main. And one of the biggest things that Sony does poorly for developers is their system stuff sucks up a lot more resources than it does, than Microsoft's does on the 360. So memory is much more painful on the PS3. We spend a lot more time trying to crunch down the memory for that..."

"...given an infinite amount of development time on there, you can craft a program that's gonna work more efficiently on the cells there than on two additional processors on the 360. But given a finite amount of development time, it's much-much easier to get things working well on the 360 than it is on the PS3. And that's pretty much the case across the board."

Oh, I get it now....You have been hanging all of your hopes on John Carmack's statements. :roll: Yes indeed....The bumble bee can't fly. Maybe he hasn't played KZ2 or U2? It's kind of funny how ND and GG slaps the taste out of Carmack"s mouth with actual games sold in a store for all to play.:lol: