What's a joke? How is any of what you said relevant to the discussion at hand? Please inform. I'd like to know how every single failure Sony has is somehow connected via hive mind and Lair being a crap game even without the SIXAXIS is related to this discussion at all.
[QUOTE="SilentlyMad"]Ok at least you admit Sony is last and behind Microsoft which this is only MS's second trip to the console war and already has Sony at its backside.
What's to admit? It's a fact that they are in last place, there's no disputing that. Where they will be eventually is open to interpretation, but likely it won't matter in the end. We know they are in last place. Where we don't agree, is you think the PS3 is a huge, stinky pile of failure, when I can tell you as an owner that that isn't the case. Last place out of 3, when #2 had a big head-start, a lower price point, etc. is not too shabby, in my books. Tons of great exclusives over the past 2 Xmas' isn't bad for me as a gamer either.
Sony tried something new with the PS3. The PS2 was technically shoddy, which was the biggest complaint lodged at it. What did they do? They addressed that concern and made the PS3 a tank with a ton of technology under the hood. I guess they overestimated people's faith in them. They obviously still planned to bring the heat with the games, but they had to respond to 360's launch and it definitely hurt theirs.Ideally, this is probably how it went in Sony's collective minds: people love our Playstation products. We have enough time to get a half-decent launch lineup together. People will buy the PS3 in droves because of the technology driving it and their loyalty to the PS brand and the games we have associated with it (which was previously things like Final Fantasy). Once the money rolls in from the first batch, we will have the capital to pump out the rest of these games and market them like crazy.
Instead, XBox released. Sony said "OH ****, we aren't ready". They rushed the launch of the console, compromised a few hardware components (the GPU for example) and had a very, very limited launch lineup. They were selling a cutting-edge console at a big loss for a long time and scrambling to play catch up. This would have crushed most companies, but PS3 came back, and why? Games. Not gimmicks and deals and buying rights to this game or that game, but by quietly building an arsenal of really high-quality games, mostly on their own, and letting word-of-mouth finally repair the damage it had done in 2006.
Gamers want a reliably product? Sony responds. Gamers want more games? Sony responds.
I don't get why people are so quick to assume that Sony is only driven by the bottom line. They could have released a slightly upgraded PS2 at a low price point and dominated like the Wii. Instead they took a chance and tried to be everything to everyone (the games AND the hardware). They have continually upgraded their free online service, provided unique dev support in terms of allowing KB/M in Unreal and created maps and content in many games. Online is still free. Isn't it at least slightly possible that Sony has done this because they want to create a better games experience for everyone? Obviously profit is the ultimate goal, but they haven't stooped to gimmicks and shovelware. They are keeping their integrity.
The PS3 is a great console, it's time to let go of the stigma you attached to it in 2006.
/rant off
Yes, Sony rushed their console. Its not Microsofts fault that the PS3 was crippled hardware wise from what it was supposed to be, that was Sony's decision. Also, they did make false promises with the dual hdmi and 4d gaming crap. As well as the gameplay footage that was CG to get gamers to wait for the pS3. And because they were forced to rush it out early, it came out really expensive, but they had expected another 2 year wait until they were going to release it, which is why that dude (cant think of his name, father of playstation) lost his job. Sony didn't listen to the public and respond, they rushed to market to not fall behind, when in reality, had they waited, they'd have had a killer product that would wipe the floor clean with a 360... and then Microsoft and Sony owuld start releasing their consoles staggered every 3 years or so, each topping the last.
As for games, MS tries to support 3rd party developers with FUNDING for games and in return for a contract. Sony buys smaller companies and makes them create games for their console only. Its not sony people workign there, its just developers who work for a company Sony bought. It's really no different than what MS does only they both attack it in a different manor.
PS3 is a great console, but the 360 is also a great console, no matter what fanboys have to say about it. They're obviously keeping up pace with each other pretty well so far.
Whoa! Who rushed what to market? Who had massive console failures before launch, but threw thier console out to market anyway? Wow. Lemmings have the nerve to mention "rush to market" for another console. :lol:
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