I believe Mass Effect 1 has 1 or 2 patches already. Get them, patch and play! :)
I had a friend who ran into the same problem and I advised him to first try the official patch and see what happens. Game worked!
I believe Mass Effect 1 has 1 or 2 patches already. Get them, patch and play! :)
I had a friend who ran into the same problem and I advised him to first try the official patch and see what happens. Game worked!
[QUOTE="futs22"]I played the POP trilogy on the PS2 and the only time I found myself really having a hard time was the last boss from the Two Thrones. It wasn't rage-inducing, controller-throwing, hair pulling difficulty though. Far from it. A recent game that made me question my purchase of it due to its unforgiving difficulty is Demon's Souls on the PS3. I literally got whooped by the first generic enemy I encountered. dragonballz4
you didnt found warrior within hard vizier was so easy nothing compared to dahaka
I find it puzzling that you manage to use one punctuation mark excessively in your first remark and then fail to use any at all in your second remark. WTF is up with that?
To clarify my initial post, the POP: Sands of Time Trilogy wasn't hard for me at all. The last boss in Two Thrones was the only "hard" time I had. Take note of the quotation marks which indicate that it wasn't hard per se, but it's a moment in the game that can be considered the most challenging for me since it took me a few more minutes than usual (when compared to the bosses of the first 2 games) in figuring out how to beat it. However,when compared to other games like say, Demon's Souls, that even is not hard. Far from it.
Final Fantasy XIII. I don't think I've ever been so bored to a game before than this.
I am afraid I might have to agree, I had such high hopes for this game and it's just long hallway full of enemies, rinse and repeat.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with this too. And this is coming from someone who has played FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII,FFIX,FFX, FFXII. I'm so disappointed that FFXIII failed to draw me in during the first few hours or rather the first hour of gameplay.
I clearly and distinctly remember the first days of every FF game I've played, apart from FFXIII, and all of them drew me in to the extent that I would not put the controller down for at least 6 hours on my initial run with the game. With FFXIII, after 1 hour, I fell asleep! I wasn't even tired from work and I freakin' fell asleep at 6pm in the evening. Bed time for me is usually midnight.
Sorry FFXIII fanboys. This game has a negative first impression to say the least.
Tried the D pad. they arent working for that either. O is completely not there. X just quits it.
The shoulders buttons and the L3 R3 arent working either for that function
I have the same problem. The workaround is when the game asks if you want to quit poker just press X again to not quit and you'll call the bet. Annoying as hell though that you have to keep being asked if you want to quit poker whenever you just want to call the bet. I hope a patch comes out to address this minor issue.
UPDATE: I just confirmed on another PS3 forum that even having an R1 version on an Asian PS3 still shows the same X & O button bug. I guess I'm stuck with my R3 copy of the game. At least it isn't game-breaking.
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