Most of these have already been said but here are mine...
-The overabundance of profanity and trash talk in online games. I know it can be fun to joke around and give people a hard time some times when playing games, it's all in good fun sometimes but for the most part in my experience most of the trash talking etc. that goes on now is just pure mean, hateful, sometimes racist, derogitory, and by no means meant for fun. These are just games people please don't make the online community unenjoyable for other people just because you have rage issues.
-DLC. I'm sorry because I know some people love it, and I think it's good for companies to continue support for games, but pretty much EVERY game has some form of DLC now. I just don't know why game companies can't just build a super awesome game with lots of maps or characters in the first place so we don't have to end up paying $90+ for a full game experience. Note: I rarely buy DLC, especially after the "First Strike" map pack for Black Ops which was terrible.
-Online passes. The fact of the matter is this: Every game that gets sold either new or used still has already been bought buy a store or consumer. Just because someone prefers buying a second hand game is no reason to punish them because EA has already been paid for that game once when Wal-Mart bought it (or other chain store or whatever). This makes it so people can't even let friends borrow games to check out online or anything because they would have to pay $10 to play the multiplayer. THIS is the biggest injustice that has been introduced into gaming as long as I can remember.
-Games focusing on Multiplayer more than Singleplayer/Forcing in Multiplayer when unnecessary (I'm looking at you Bioshock 2) - Don't get me wrong, I love multiplayer gaming; I play lots of Halo, BF3, etc. BUT I don't think companies should sacrifice the single player aspect to build a pretty much multiplayer only game. I think the CoD franchise has suffered from this for a while. I remember that the first MW had an awesome campaign, but by Black Ops everything just seemed like regergetated garbage that has been seen ten times over by now. I just miss FPS's with solid campaigns, MoH: Frontline anyone? And I don't think I need to dive in to the whole forcing in multiplayer thing, I think everyone has noticed this by now.
-FPS's being the only thing people play now a days - I am guilty of this and feel the shame. It has become so easy to just get drug into playing them almost exclusively because such a vast majority only play these. Most of my friends at work play them almost exculsively so I play them a lot too. I like them and think they are fun but really miss enjoying the other avenues of games like platformers, rpgs, fighters, etc. I really need to play more games before I become like those sad CoD players that rage over their KDR :( I need help.
-Some Gamestop employees really do get on my nerves. I hate dealing with the pushy ones that always want you to pre-order things or want to help you find things when you just came in to browse, and have made them aware of that but they just keep nagging. Ugh. I have litterally just walked out of the store when they start doing that stuff.
-The lack of video stores - Am I the only one that misses getting to go into the video store and looking at the back of the boxes of games and renting random stuff? The randomness was due to the lack of the internet, which let me be surprised when new games came out.
Anyways, I'm sure there are more, but this reply is long enough, it's someone else's turn to gripe now. :)
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