And with that, 10 zillion 14 year old Call of Duty : Ghosts players cried en masse. " what , no online multiplayer ??? Well **** that shit !! Aaand yo mammas a bitch ! "
Anyhoo, not my cup of tea, the nearest thing I want to any type of real thing in a game is a decent rock texture in crysis, I'm an escapist, not a confrontist :-)
@TheZeroPercent: :-) as bad as some of the movies have been, id have to say the games that have been spawned from the whole comic/superhero cosmos are, in the main, a damned sight worse. Batman gets a pass for arkham asylum and city, but's turd torpedoes dead ahead Captain!! Superman's probably had the most severe kick in the love-spuds , thanks to that N64 game. The list is as endless as it is catastrophic from 2d fighters, to 2d side scrolling wankathons, to 3rd person whatevers, the games industry really knows how to humanize a superhuman :-)
@TheZeroPercent: Main reason why I have a lot of digital only software ? Purely down to price. I can go on ebay and get a steam, uplay or origin code and 99.alot% of the time there's not a physical retailer around who can get anywhere near as low a price, or for that matter offer the same breadth of choice...but I do like having the physical copies all lined up so I can see them, dunno why lol, maybe I get more a sense of worth from them , its more like an actual games library than a list on a monitor. :-)
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