@cornbredx: :-) see, now all I'm doing is shaking my head and internally struggling with the idea that maybe back in the late 70's and early 80's, my government ought to have spent time informing me that if those darned pesky Russians decided to go Defcon doolally on the British Isles, I should hasten to the nearest refrigerator, where I'd be safe....
@cornbredx: The shitty grammar etc is down to more me trying to do this on a crummy smartphone, while also attempting to get dinner ready :-) as for the ' right ? ' thingy, honestly I don't tend to check where folk on here hail from , so it lost me a bit ...lol..im a typical Brit, still think we own two thirds of the globe :-)
I do enjoy the severe backlash in that its to such a degree that some cretins do actually say that the prequels in some way " raped their childhood" ( I'm assuming they all refer to memories).. I never needed my childhood raping...thanks for that Uncle Barry, I'm glad you've stopped drinking by the way :-)
@beantownsean: The prequels I thought were just pretty much any old Sci fi films, but that could be down to me seeing the original trilogy in cinemas when released, at that age for my generation, the films were quite amazing in comparison to anything else before them of that genre, by the time prequels arrived, just like Michael Jackson, the kid wasn't in me any more ...
@the_bobster_10_: :-) most people on here don't know what they'll be doing in two weeks time but apparently know a films going to be crap three years from now.
They can resurrect Alfred Hitchcock to direct it as far as im concerned ...just as long as these movies keep inspiring those awesome porn parodies. Never, in my lifetime, did I ever imagine I'd see a wookie grinning its hairy chops off as it got a gob-job :-)
gadgeroo's comments