@mogan: I said that. Gaming industry making money,. Quality of AAA games what is in decline. Look at hte full price Dragons Dogma 2 game coming up. How is a game selling at full price at 30 fps this day in age?
How about the 100s of AAA games that come out unfinished and bugged? Why is things like this still tolerated? Because we as gamers have learned to accept mediocre games passed off as AAA.
And I play EVERYTHING worth playing AAA or not. Name a decent game I have played it or at least tried it. That is the problem too. Not enough games being released that are not straight garbage. What we have for DECENT games in the past year? How many of them took over 20 hours to clear?
Rebirth was actually a surprise that it took 40 but still had the problem of half that being cutscenes and slow walking. And another half of a bunch of minigame noone wants to play.
@mogan: Shows how the gaming industry has turned from being arts and entertainment to big business.
You think they went to a 20 hour average clear time for new games to cater to casual players? No they have done it to sell more games. We getting half or less the game for a higher price.
20+ years ago we had games we played for YEARS not a matter of hours. Nearly half the gaming industry right now is remakes of the golden age of gaming almost no real new generation games.
Fact is I was in my 20s during the 90s had more to play than I possibly could. I am 50 now and sit around with nothing to play for months at a time. And I had more time and energy to play in my 20s.
Gaming industry doing well for itself where it fails is to the customer. But that customer is so blind and desperate they do not realize it is happening to them.
Not sure how he says we are fine Demise of the gaming industry already happened about 10 or so years ago. We just did not notice because we was slow rolled into it.
@rolento25: CoD has a better story if anyone actually plays the story. But they do not. You know why? Because story is not the reason you play it is just the setting you play in.
Best games tell the story through the gameplay. Even the OG ff7 the cutscenes were just visual incentive to immerse you in the story they did not tell the story.
Rpg stories are as shallow and childish as Anime. The world building and character development is all that matters everything else is better in your imagination than some cheap cutscene.
@G-Corleone: No, not without paying nearly what a PS5 costs. Was 350 dollars and i had to send them MY WORKING PS5. Rather pay 500 and have a good ps5 and a gimp one.
Actually trying to overcome my conscious and get it replaced for much less. Last i checked Gamestop was buying used ps5 for 300. No way they could tell something was wrong with my ps5.
So a new ps5 only be like 200 if i scammed them.
Not a pressing issue atm. SInce all games that use UR5 are straight up garbage so far anyway.
@willhouse4: I see his point. This like arguing with a star wars fan about Battefront 1 and 2 being garbage. It seems there is more fanboism than actual objective opinions on this game,.
@vgmkyle: Do not see it being as great as they saying even if I liked DnD. I can be objective even with genres I do not like. Just did not see it in this game.
@G-Corleone: Actually cant play 16, Was not going to buy it anyway since FF games usually free with in a year these days on Psextra/plus.
But I can not play ANY game made with unreal engine 5. And I know they say FF16 their own engine but its not it is just a ripped off version of unreal 5.
Because since the very first Unreal 5 game hit(matrix Demo). My ps5 has a factory defect that makes my colors rain like buckets of paint. It is the exact same issue in every unreal 5 game. And 0 issues with any other game.
8? Played every FF game ever made except 16. Could not even finish the demo. It is not like playing rebirth. It is like playing Remake over again which was painful enough. I mean it was not bad just was not good either.
I mean if there is more to the game later to set it apart from the mediocre Remake the making a huge mistake with this intro. because it is as boring as watching paint dry.
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