@Barighm: Using 120 fps as an example. My biggest problem is with online games that slave you to the slowest loading party member.
Point is there is very few games actually made for the ps5 they made for the ps4 and just ported to the ps5.
Huge difference between the ps5 version of FF7r and FF7r intergrade in terms of graphics. Because intergrade was actually made for the ps5 and yes it is 120 fps.
But other guy says that 120 fps does not matter. People said the same thing about 60 fps back in the day. It WILL matter when you get used to 120 fps 60 fps will feel like 30 fps does now.
Ps5 been out for 3 years why are we still playing games just upgraded to ps5 not MADE for the ps5?
Who cares? How many games using the new generation power now? Majority of games are still being designed for old generation and ported to the next generation.
How many 120 fps games you played? I played 2 that i can remember.
@hardwenzen: and? Have no problem with them soaking people who think how they look is important.
These store only skins will not make them look pretty. Will make them look dumb no matter how good the models are.
Is like wearing a dunce hat. Only cosmetics I ever bothered to even put on were rare hard earned ones had nothing to do with how they looked. Showed my achievement.
But i feel you. Modern games remove all sense of achievement in the name of "fairness" casual players think they should have exactly the same gear and access to the same content with 10 hours played that the people that have 2000 have.
@Barighm: IS always a play. That is how politics work. Microsoft would not be where they are without playing that game.
Might not be what i suggest. For all I know Sony thinks Microsoft was behind the lawsuit against them for the Bungie buyout. And they greased the wheels for this for revenge. Could be even more complicated than that. But when money like this moves EVERYONE circles like buzzards around it.
@Barighm: 3 was bad but the socket nerf was worse it had no reason except to eliminate any reason to play postgame.
Was a clear "we do not want to pay for servers anymore" nerf. Lot of games do that too make unpopular changes on purpose to cut back on servers and overhead without the embarrassment of shutting down services.
@alphazonex: Like a lot of older games you need to look at the market share not total sales.
Lets take an obvious one for example. D2 sold like 12 million D3 sold 30 millions No argument which is the better game of the series. None.
Then look at the total amount of gamers in 1999 compared to 2012. That market share number is not even close D2 wins by MILES.
Same here. You know how many more gamers there were in 2006 than 1996? RE6 would literally have to sell 100 times more to even compete. I do not know the exact numbers here but the explosion of gamers was HUGE in that era.
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